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Parking and permits

House in multiple occupancy visitor parking

Using visitor parking permits

This is a digital permit and no physical permit will be issued.

There's no need to display a permit in your vehicle; our Civil Enforcement Officers use number plate recognition to confirm if vehicles are covered by a valid permit.

A valid permit is required at all times whilst visitors are parked in the ResPark zone.

Each visitor permit is valid for 1 day, and lasts from the time it is validated, until 10.00am the next day.

Purchase digital visitor permits within the Permit Portal at any time by selecting the ‘Buy/Use Vouchers' tab and adding the required number of permits.

You're able to buy any number of visitor parking permits in each transaction, up to the annual allowance of 200. Your purchased visitor parking permits will then appear in your ‘Vouchers Available To Use’ section.

To use a permit you'll need to 'activate' it within the Permit Portal and enter:

  • the vehicle registration number of your visitor
  • the date of the visit (enter the same date for first and last day required, as this is a 1 day permit)

You can activate visitor permits in advance if you know you're expecting a visitor. You can activate multiple visitor permits if your visitor is staying for more than 1 day, or if you have multiple visitors on a given day.

Any pre-booked visitor permits can be cancelled prior to the date they become active. Cancelled permits will be returned to your “Vouchers Available To Use” section.

The permit can't be used in conjunction with any business activities relating to the registered address and can only be used by the permit holder, or a friend or family member visiting the property where the permit is registered.

Also see

Parking Services

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 551309

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