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Streets, roads and pavements

'A' Boards Policy

Management and enforcement of 'A' Board usage

We have duties under both Highway and Equality legislation, and want to respond proactively to them.

There is a necessity to ensure the primary purpose of the public highway is achieved and upheld; to pass and repass without let or hindrance.

We must ensure that the highway provides safe access and movement for all, and manage the risks or hazards associated with obstruction. We also seek to provide consistency, fairness and support businesses.

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Managing the use of 'A' Boards in York

Our 'A' Board policy covers the area within the ‘A’ Boards Prohibition Zone and bans the placement of ‘A’ Boards (and other advertising objects) on the public highway; businesses and organisations within the zone are not permitted to use ‘A’ Boards.

The only exception (with a licence) is Micklegate, as the 'clear width' required for pedestrian movement, with an ‘A’ Board in place, is likely to be achieved.

Management of 'A' Boards via the policy is also appropriate because of the impact that multiple ‘A’ Boards have on the visual amenity of the conservation area and listed buildings, which accounts for 70 per cent of the buildings within the shopping streets.

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'A' Board licensing process

When applying for an 'A' Board licence there's scope for pre-discussion or advice; we'll tell you if we consider your application 'in scope' or 'not in scope'.

If your application is 'in scope' you must page the licensing fee, before your 'A' Board licence will be approved. You must display your licence within your business (window or door), including a photograph of the approved location.

If we consider your application 'not in scope':

  • you may be asked to provide further information
  • a licence may be refused
  • you can appeal our decision; you'll need to submit details of attenuating circumstances for review
  • any appeal will be either approved or dismissed

We require time to process and consider your application before and 'A' Board licence can be granted; see 'Processing 'A' Board applications'.

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'A' Board enforcement process

To enforce the 'A' Board policy we will:

  • take action if a breach of 'A' Board licence conditions is observed, recorded, or reported (with evidence)
  • issue an initial warning in person or by telephone, and confirm the warning in writing
  • require the removal of the ‘A’ Board if a second breach occurs within 12 months
  • take action to remove the 'A' Board and recover reasonable costs

Highway Licensing Team

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA