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Health and social care

Adult care and support fees, charges, allowances and rates

Certain fees, charges, financial limits and rates apply to paying for care and support for adults.

See further information about:

Allowances 2024-2025

  • Higher Capital Limit: £23,250
  • Lower Capital Limit: £14,250
  • Personal Expenditure Allowance: £30.15 per week
  • Disposable Income Allowance: £144.00 per week

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Minimum Income Guarantee

Where the adult concerned is responsible for, and is a member of the same household as a child, the amount of £101.25 per week for each child, plus any applicable premium.

Where the adult concerned is a single person and:

  • is aged 18 or older but less than 25, the Minimum Income Guarantee (MIG) is £87.65 per week plus any applicable premium
  • is aged 25 or older but less than pension credit age, the MIG is £110.60 per week plus any applicable premium
  • has attained pension credit age, the MIG is amount of £228.70 per week

Where the adult concerned is a lone parent aged 18 or over, the MIG is £110.60 per week plus any applicable premium.

Where the adult concerned is a member of a couple and:

  • one or both are aged 18 or over, the MIG is £86.65 per week plus any applicable premium
  • one or both have attained pension credit age, the MIG is £174.60 per week

Where the adult concerned is a single person who is in receipt of, or the local authority considers would if in receipt of income support, also be in receipt of:

  • disability premium, the amount of the applicable premium is £48.80 per week
  • enhanced disability premium, the amount of the applicable premium is £23.85 per week

Where the adult concerned is a member of a couple and 1 member of that couple is in receipt of, or the local authority considers would if in receipt of income support, also be in receipt of:

  1. disability premium, the amount of the applicable premium is £34.80 per week
  2. enhanced disability premium, the amount of the applicable premium is £17.15 per week

Where the adult concerned is in receipt of, or the local authority considers would if in receipt of, income support be also in receipt of carer premium, the amount of the applicable premium is £52.35 per week.

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Local authority weekly care homes rates

  • Residential home: £724.50
  • Residential home with dementia care: £755.55
  • *Nursing home: £724.50 (from 1 April 2024)
  • *Nursing home with dementia care: £755.55 (from 1 April 2024)

*Please note that the nursing rates quoted exclude the weekly Funded Nursing Care element paid to care homes by the NHS.

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Local authority community support charges per week

  • Home care Support in CYC Extra Care Schemes per carer per hour £24.76
  • Home care Support provided by the Overnight Care team per carer per hour £37.14
  • Day Support provided in CYC small day services per hour £20.65

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Care and support customer contributions

The cost of care provision to you is based upon the actual cost to the council from care providers.

We reserve the right to alter, without notice, the amount required within your personal budget to meet your ongoing care costs, should a care provider involved with providing your care and support, alter its cost. This may increase or decrease the amount you are required to contribute towards your care and support costs.

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Self-funder administration charges

Annual charge for arranging care and support for customers with capital in excess of the higher capital limit is £582.00. This is a fixed cost of £522.00 or set up and reconciliation, and £60.00 for administration.

Cases closed part-way through the year will receive a refund of £5.00 each full month where the personal account has not been open.

The charge applies to all care and support types with the exception of permanent care in a care home.

There is an additional reconciliation charge for self-funders of £7.56 per reconciliation.

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Deferred payment agreements

Compound Daily Interest Rate – 4.25%.

This rate is applicable between 1 January 2025 and 30 June 2025 and is reviewed every 6 months.

The change is effective from 1 January 2025.

From 1 April 2024 the cost of setting up a deferred payment agreement is £999.39.

Deferred payment arrangement set-up costs related fee
Legal costs, including Land Registry search fees, registration, document preparation £576.39
Income Services set-up costs £198.00
Initial professional valuation cost £225.00

Legal Costs may be subject to additional disbursements should the case be complex, should the property not be registered or where the value of the property is significant and is not covered within the standard registration costs.

Where a Deferred Payment Agreement is required, and the property is already sold, subject to contract, a Solicitors’ Undertaking can be sought as guarantee of repayment upon sale. The cost for the council arranging a solicitors undertaking is £133.38 and £198.00 set up costs.

Deferred payment arrangement additional costs Related fee
Monthly invoice generation and distribution £1.25
Monthly management, monitoring and application of interest £2.95
Half yearly statement of account £2.95
Legal team costs de-registration and file closure £36.91
Final account preparation and account closure £9.65

Revaluation will be charged at the actual cost of the valuation.

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Disability related expenditure

Allowance will be made within the financial assessment for necessary Disability Related Expenditure (DRE) purchased by a customer at a reasonable cost.

DRE will cover costs that cannot otherwise be met by the council.

We've listed some of the more common DRE that people receive allowance for; where costs are in excess of 'guidance amounts' quoted, any allowance will be agreed in conjunction with social services.

Annual inflationary increases are based on the CPI figure publish for November of the previous year. In the 12 months to November 2023 the CPI increased by 3.9%.

Disability related allowances

Payment for any community alarm system: rate charged by the provider.

Costs of any privately arranged care services or day/night care where the customer has an eligible need and where care could not be arranged through the council: rate charged by the provider.

Special clothing or footwear where this needs to be specially made or altered, or due to additional wear and tear due to the disability. Additional clothing costs up to £7.53 per week. The actual cost of any specially made footwear will be allowed.

Additional costs of bedding, for example, due to incontinence. Costs in excess of £55.80 per year will be allowed to a maximum of £3.12 per week.

Costs of basic garden maintenance allowed up to £801.00 per year (based on 2 hours at Higher Living Wage rate as at April 2024, paid over 35 weeks per year).

Exceptional Laundry: a fixed amount of £4.74 per week will be allowed where laundry needs exceed 4 loads per week. This allowance incorporates washing powder costs (including specialist washing powder).

Equipment, as listed here, can be allowed over a 10-year life cycle. Replacement costs will only be allowed where the equipment has been privately purchased evidence of purchase can be provided.

  • wheelchair (powered): maximum of £12.00 per week
  • wheelchair (manual): maximum of £4.94 per week
  • powered beds: maximum of £5.46 per week
  • turning beds: maximum of £9.55 per week
  • powered reclining and lifting chairs: maximum of £4.33 per week
  • stair lifts: maximum of £7.71 per week
  • hoists: maximum of £3.79 per week

Diet: discretionary as special dietary needs may not be more expensive than normal diet costs. Where there is an additional cost, the weekly spend on groceries needs to be in excess of £46.63 for an allowance to be made. Details will be required of more expensive items and evidence of need from a GP may be required.

Cost of cleaning or domestic help, if necessitated by the customer’s disability and is not met by social services, allowed up to £22.88 per week (based on 2 hours at Higher Living Wage rate as at April 2024)

Personal assistance costs, including any household or other necessary costs arising for the customer.

Purchase, maintenance and repair of disability-related equipment, including equipment or transport needed to enter or remain in work; this may include IT costs, where necessitated by the disability; reasonable hire costs of equipment may also be included, if due to the waiting of supply of equipment from the council.

Specialist internet access for example for blind and partially sighted people: rate charged by the provider.

Heating Allowances - Annual inflationary update based on RPI Fuel Index annually each November (these figures are obtained from from the download 'Consumer price inflation detailed reference tables' the figures are found in 'Table 41: percentage change over 12 months'. In the 12 months to November 2023, the RPI decreased by 23.1%.

Any amount of household fuel, over and above that of the rates identified below, for relevant accommodation type, caused by age, medical condition or disability will be allowed as Disability Related Expenditure.

Accommodation type Annual cost Equivalent monthly cost Equivalent weekly cost
Single people in flats and terraced housing £2,302.16 £191.85 £44.15
Couples in flats and terraced housing £3,034.24 £252.83 £58.19
Single people in semi-detached housing £2,445.22 £203.77 £46.90
Couples in semi-detached housing £3,220.12 £268.33 £61.76
Single people in detached housing £2,972.95 £247.75 £57.02
Couples in detached housing £3,919.77 £326.65 £75.18

Water Rates – allowance will be made for average metered water charges published by Yorkshire Water, and correct as at 1 January 2024, increase of 9.3%:

Number of people in household Average Usage (£ per annum)
1 £292.00
2 £489.00
3 £590.00
4 £713.00
5 £850.00
6 £972.00

Other transport costs necessitated by illness or disability, including costs of transport to day centres, over and above the mobility component of Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Personal Independence Payment (PIP), if in payment and available for these costs. Where the council provides transport and the customer wishes to use alternative transport at a higher cost, the cost of council provision will be used to determine any allowance.

We will not make allowances at a higher rate where a reasonable alternative is available at a lower cost, for example where incontinence pads are available on the NHS, but the customer decides to purchase them privately.

All other expenditure will be assessed as either an everyday living cost, or will be reviewed as a specific need against the customers’ care and support plan.

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Also see

Income Services Team

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 552044/554684