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Refugee support

Refugee resettlement

The City of York stands in solidarity with refugees; we have a long and proud history of supporting refugees in York and we work with key partners to identify how to best provide support in our area.

Refugees are resettled if their lives are at risk, they are particularly vulnerable or they have specialised health needs, and there is no hope of them ever returning home. Many refugees who are selected by the UNHCR for resettlement have health needs that cannot be met in the country where they are living. 30% of refugees submitted for resettlement are survivors of violence and/or torture.

The City of York Council’s Refugee Resettlement Team provides specialist housing support to refugees resettled in York. They work closely alongside YorHome, a not-for-profit ethical letting agency, run by City of York Council, to find suitable private rented accommodation to accommodate refugees in York.  When refugees arrive in York via one of the resettlement schemes, they are supported by a Refugee Worker who assists them in all aspects of housing support.

Support for refugees

Refugees can find information about:

Other advice and support

Offering support to refugees

York residents and businesses can make a donation or volunteer support through a local organisation:

National benefits are administered by the Department for Work and Pensions, including Universal Credit, Pension Credit and health benefits.

Other benefits are administered by local councils, including Council Tax Support and emergency support.

For more information see:

If you're a private landlord who can help to accommodate refugees, consider letting your property to vulnerable families via the YorHome Incentive Scheme.

Refugee Welcome Café

Drop-in sessions for refugees are held at York City Church, The Citadel, Gillygate, YO31 7EA. The drop in ‘Welcome Café’ is held every other Thursday from 12.30pm to 3.30pm. Food is also provided.

The drop-in ‘Welcome Café’ offers:

  • a social space for refugees to connect with each other - to be together in a safe space, to speak their own language, to comfort one another, as well as greet new arrivals
  • a supportive space for refugees to access advice and services - the drop-in will have advisors to help refugees access health care, English lessons, benefits and other services

Also see

Refugee Support

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA
Recite Me accessibility and Language Support