The Cambridge Street and Lowther Terrace (CAMLOW) Residents' Association is in Micklegate Ward.
View a map of the area covered by the Association.
CAMLOW Residents' Association area
Residents' Association areas are marked as red areas on the map; click an individual Residents' Association areas to see more details.
Zoom in (+) or zoom out; (-) or move/drag the map to reveal information; you can also:
- search by street name or postcode
- click a 'feature' to get further information
- click >> or << to reveal or hide the map legend
Get involved with CAMLOW Residents' Association
We're looking for volunteers to set up a Resident's Association for the Cambridge Street and Lowther Terrace area.
Find out about Residents' Associations and how to set up a Residents' Association.
For more information contact the Housing Equalities and Engagement Facilitator.
We look forward to helping set up a new Residents' Association in your community to help improve the local area for residents.
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