Previous consultation feedback
In December 2022 and January 2023, we launched a consultation to get your views and understand your priorities for improvements to the path between Jubilee Terrace and Scarborough Bridge.
We received a total of 444 responses, which have been factored into the designs and plans for this path.
Your suggested improvements
- creating more space for path users. 83.6% want more space made available for different types of users
- improving the lighting due to concerns about personal safety when using the path, especially after dark. 82.1% chose lighting and 68.6% chose safety and security
- 78.2% wanted improved usability during flood events, as localised flooding can make the path impassable
- 73% of responses had retaining the existing trees as a priority
- 71.7% responded that the condition of the path (e.g. surfacing) needs improving
Further comments were received on topics including:
- path maintenance
- accessibility
- lack of seating and resting areas
Riverside path consultation
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