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Schools and education

School crossing patrols

Our school crossing patrols safely escort school children across 'manned crossings' throughout York.

We provide this service as a matter of road safety although we're not required to by law, under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

School crossing patroller sign which is a yellow circle outlined by red with the word stop in the centre and the image of two children walking

Together we can make our communities safer

Become a school crossing patroller

Crossing patrol vacancies are at an all time high. You can apply to assist with school crossing patrols if you're

  • looking for part time paid work
  • can spare up to 8 hours per week during school term-time
  • enjoy being outside in all weathers
  • want to help your local community

Pay is £12.80 per hour and we pay up to 8 hours per week depending on location.

Contact our School Crossing Patrol Team to discuss current opportunities or to express an interest in the role.

Applicants must:

School crossing patrols work:

  • up to 8 hours per week
  • between 45 and 60 minutes each day
  • term time only

Alternatively, you can apply to assist with school crossing relief to cover the duties of an existing school crossing patrol attendant if they're not able to work for any reason.

Full uniform and training is provided.

Parent and carer responsibility

Even where a school crossing exists, parents and carers are responsible for:

  • ensuring their children's safety on the journey to and from school
  • collecting children at the end of the school day

Advice for drivers at school crossings

When you're driving near a school crossing:

  • be courteous and patient
  • slow down if you see flashing warning lights near a school
  • be aware of your responsibilities as a driver

Access further information in The Highway Code.

Also see

School Crossing Patrol Team

Eco Depot, Hazel Court, York, YO10 3DS

Telephone: 01904 555579