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Advice for independent living tenants

Safety and security

Your Housing Management Officer (HMO) may have a duplicate key or master key to your property, which they would only use in an emergency.

The HMO will have shown you how to use the community alarm system when you moved in. If you press the alarm by mistake, don't worry - just tell the operator that you're alright.

As part of your introduction to the building your HMO will explain any evacuation procedures and will revisit these with you on a 6-monthly basis.

Fire safety rules

We try to keep the limitations on our residents to a minimum, but with people living together and sharing some facilities, we have to have rules about fire precautions:

  • do not ignore any alarms you hear
  • do not prop any fire doors open
  • do not interfere with or remove the self-closing mechanism on internal doors
  • do not use the lift in case of a fire
  • if you have or find a fire, use the fire alarm system immediately

If you're going to be away for a length of time you must inform your HMO, so they can update their fire records.

If you have any hearing difficulties, please inform your HMO.

Also see

Housing Options

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 554500