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Join York Youth council

York Youth Council animation

This animation was created by York Youth Council (YYC) and Digifish Media to promote the work of YYC.

Get the video transcript.

The animated video features digital avatars voiced by real members of the York Youth Council.

Find out more about York Youth Council projects, or learn more about joining York Youth Council.

York Youth Council video transcript

Audio description: Light up hearted acoustic guitar music plays throughout the video.

Psst! Hey! You! Yeah, you!

Have you ever wanted to make a difference to the lives of young people in York?

Do you want to represent young people and give them a voice?

Yes? Then it sounds like you are the perfect person to join York Youth Council.

If you’re aged 11 to 18, live or go to school in York, then we want you to get involved.

We’re a group of passionate young people who want to make York better for everyone, including children and young people.

No one knows more about your community than you. Which is why York Youth Council would like to give you the opportunity to make a positive change to the lives of all young people in York.

You’ll be able to campaign for change, give your opinion on a range of issues, influence decision makers, and have a chance to get involved with other opportunities, such as UK Youth Parliament.

You can make a real difference today.

Audio description: At the end of the video the City of York Council logo appears on a white background, with the words "Working together to improve and make a difference", which fades out to reveal the DigitFish Media logo.

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York Youth Council

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA
York Youth Council - logo

York Youth Council welcomes young people, aged 11 to 18 years, to get involved; join the conversation and share your voice...

Contact York Youth Council