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Streets, roads and pavements

'A' Boards Policy

Our 'A' Boards policy sets out restrictions on where free-standing advertising boards (and other comparable objects) can be placed:

  • on the public highway
  • in city centre areas where 'A' Boards are prohibited (within a boundary consistent with the Business Improvement District)

The policy applies to private and public organisations and businesses, and includes items such as:

  • 'A' Boards
  • free-standing advertisements
  • mannequins
  • menus
  • lecterns
  • planters
  • goods on display

Reasons for an 'A' Boards policy in York

The intention of an ‘A’ Board is extension of traditional fascia or hanging signs, linked to, part of, or adjacent to the property or business it is promoting. However, the placement of ‘A’ Boards on the public highway creates issues, they:

  • cause potential to present an obstruction
  • are safety hazards to footpath users
  • create substantial problems for those with mobility impairments (blind or partially sighted, wheelchair users)
  • pose access issues for people with prams or pushchairs

The volume of pedestrians (or 'foot traffic') in York city centre is significant, and reaches capacity in some places, and at certain times; in many locations the street environment is simply not suited to accommodating additional, non-essential features.

Whilst York's footstreets provide extensive space for pedestrians overall:

  • the demand on space remains challenging, including the need for vehicles to have access (waste collection or essential maintenance)
  • there's an ongoing commitment to reduce 'street clutter' in the city (many items of council-approved street furniture, signage and poles being removed)
  • there's a need to create good impressions of the city for both residents and visitors, with interesting and vibrant public streets and spaces
  • the historic environment and listed buildings must be protected and respected

Together these things make York an attractive place to live in and visit.

As well as setting out restrictions, our 'A' Boards policy gives details of:

Also see

Highway Licensing Team

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA