The 'house extensions and alterations (draft) Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)' provides guidance for anyone seeking planning permission for this type of development.
It includes standards for assessing how an application should consider:
- privacy
- overshadowing and loss of light
- dominance and outlook
- habitable rooms and side windows
- character and streetscene
- provision for storage and parking
- private amenity space
- drainage
Emphasis is on the importance of understanding the local context and how a proposal will impact on neighbours, as well as the need and benefits of sustainability.
The SPD gives specific advice for different types of extension or alteration such as:
- porches
- side/rear/roof extensions
- garages
- granny annex
- boundaries
Consultation on this SPD was undertaken between January and March in 2012, and it was approved by Cabinet in December 2012.
Also see
Strategic Planning Policy Team
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