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Parking and permits

Parking permit renewal

We'll contact you 6 weeks before your permit expires, advising you to renew your permit through your Permit Portal account. You'll then have the option of renewing your permit if a permit is still required.

You will receive your renewal reminder by email, or if you do not have access to the internet you will receive a letter. You must act on this straight away if you wish to renew and pay for your new permit.

Once renewed, your new permit will become live automatically the day after your current permit expires.

Log in to Permit Portal

You'll be required to upload new evidence confirming your eligibility for the following permit types:

Should you receive any kind of discount for visitor permits and require an online authorisation permit, you'll be asked to re-supply your supporting documents on an annual basis.

If your address or vehicle details have changed the system will direct you to add any required updates.

Also see

Parking Services

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 551309

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