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Environment and animals

Private tree nuisance and disputes

We can't help with perceived nuisance and tree disputes caused by privately owned trees, such as:

  • overhanging branches from a neighbour’s property
  • requests to increase light or improve views
  • issues with birds, insects, falling leaves, fruit, or pollen
  • complaints about a tree being too big or tall
  • problems with TV signals, phone lines, or solar panels
  • general neighbour disputes over trees
  • we recommend that you seek advice from your home insurer if there is possible damage to your property from a neighbour's trees

See details of how to report issues with public trees.

Pruning private trees and vegetation

You may cut back non-protected hedges, trees, and overhanging vegetation up to your legal boundary limit but not beyond that point. If you need to go onto someone else's land to do this, you must get their permission. Any cutting beyond your boundary does need your neighbour’s consent.

If you want to report a private tree is a high-risk threat, or creating an obstruction to a road or footpath this issue can be reported on our report problems with roads and pavements page. Alternatively, if you want to report a private tree blocking or touching a streetlamp you can do so on our report issues with street lighting page.

For protected trees (under a Tree Preservation Order or in a Conservation Area), you need planning consent before carrying out any work. See tree preservation orders and tree conservation areas.

Any branches or fruit you cut remain the tree owner's property and should be offered back. If they don’t want them, you must dispose of them properly. Throwing cut material back without permission is illegal.

Also see

Protected Trees

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA