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We're responsible for public trees, which may be in:

  • parks and open spaces
  • communal areas
  • verges adjacent to highways

All of our own public trees are protected by the Arboricultural Policy for York.

Map of public and private trees

We're responsible for approximately 30,000 public trees across the city.

Zoom in to see different areas and types of trees on the map, including conservation areas and tree preservation order (TPO) areas. Trees in conservation areas are protected. Click on an area (or a tree) for more information.

Click on the arrow in the top left corner to see the map key.

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Reporting tree issues

See details of how we deal with the maintenance of public trees and the maintenance of public hedgerows.

If the tree is touching overhead telephone wires report safety concerns to Openreach.

If the tree is touching overhead electric wires report safety concerns to Northern Powergrid.

We're not responsible for privately-owned trees, or trees on private land. If a problem relates to a tree in a private property, you should try to settle the dispute with the property owner informally before we are able to intervene.

See our advice about private tree nuisance and disputes, or see guidelines as to how to deal with disputes over private trees, private hedges and boundaries on GOV.UK.

Compensation for damage to trees

People working near trees can often cause serious damage. When carrying out works near to trees, contractors or individuals must adhere to national and local tree protection guidelines as set out in the Arboricultural Policy.

We'll seek compensation from anyone responsible for damage to or removal of any public tree to the tree’s monetary value.

A tree's value will be calculated using a recognised valuation system called Capital Asset Value for Amenity Trees (CAVAT). CAVAT provides a method for managing trees as public assets rather than liabilities. For example a young tree may be valued at £3000 and a mature tree £60,000.

If you feel that damage is being done to a public tree, contact the Protected Trees Team.

Also see

Protected Trees

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA