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We're responsible for public hedgerows in York. Public hedgerows may be in:

  • rural areas
  • parks and open spaces
  • verges adjacent to highways

We cut public hedgerows each year in late September or early October, weather dependent.

See details of how we deal with the maintenance of public trees.

Report an issue with a public hedgerow

You can report concerns with hedgerows and vegetation online, if you feel that the issue is something we can help with.

Before reporting a concern, you should check whether we will be able to help, as there are a number of situations where we can't prune, cut roots or remove hedgerows. See our hedgerows response times.

Report an issue with a public hedgerow

Our responsibilities for public hedgerows

We can only carry out work to public hedgerows (not private hedges) where there is an identified health and safety issue.

We can't carry out all pruning requests. Unnecessary pruning damages hedgerows leaving them vulnerable to disease.

Report an issue with a public hedgerow which could pose a risk, such as:

  • broken, hanging branches causing a hazard
  • hedges causing an obstruction to a footpath
  • root lifting and ground movement around hedges seen in windy weather
  • workers digging under hedges, cutting roots
  • residents cutting public hedges without known authorization

Do not report issues with hedges in private gardens or on private land unless there is a risk to a nearby path or road.

See advice relating to private tree and hedge nuisance and disputes.

Our response to hedgerow problems

We aim to respond to requests within 4 working days.

Also see

Waste, Highways and Environmental Services

Telephone: 01904 551551

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