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Environment and animals

Report issues with trees

We're responsible for public or council owned trees in York and the administration of protected trees through planning legislation. This covers all trees in conservation areas and those covered by Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs).

We divide tree enquiries into 2 main categories because each are managed by different areas of the council:

  1. Trees in private land and gardens, many of which may be protected trees.
  2. Trees in council or public land, which are known as public trees.

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Our responsibilities for York's public trees

Public trees may be in:

  • parks and open spaces
  • communal housing areas and public car parks
  • streets and grass verges
  • schools and education sites

All of our own public trees are managed and protected by the statements set out in the Arboricultural Policy for York.

We'll only carry out work to public trees where there is an identified health and safety concern.

We can't carry out all tree pruning requests and it can damage trees leaving them vulnerable to disease and decay.

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Reporting an issue with a public tree

Before reporting a concern, you should check whether we'll be able to help, as there are a number of situations where we don't prune, cut roots or remove trees and vegetation.

Report a concern with a public tree, such as:

  • fallen trees or structurally damaged trees
  • trees or branches causing an obstruction to a footpath (this does not include private trees)
  • a dead or decayed tree
  • large dead or hanging branches
  • splits and tears in tree branches and stems
  • large decay cavities and fungus growing on or around trees
  • root lifting and ground movement around trees seen in windy weather
  • workers digging under trees, cutting roots or damaging trees
  • residents lopping trees without known authorization
  • damaged tree guards or vandalism to trees
  • swings, tree houses and ropes in trees

Do not report trees in private gardens or on private land unless there is a notifiable risk to a nearby path or road.

If there is a notifiable risk to a nearby path or road email: or report problems with roads or pavements.

Report an issue with a public tree

See details of how we deal with the management of public hedgerows.

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Reporting an issue with a private tree

We're not responsible for privately owned trees. We're responsible only for the administration of protected trees through planning legislation. These protected trees may be found in:

  • private gardens and woodlands
  • development sites
  • industrial and retail parks

See advice relating to private tree nuisance and disputes.

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Also see

Public Trees

Eco Depot, Hazel Court, York, YO10 3DS