Submit a temporary entertainment and alcohol event notice, or "temporary events notice" (TEN), application to use premises for a 'one off' event with licensable activities such as:
- regulated entertainment
- late night refreshment supply of alcohol
- retail of alcohol
- supply of alcohol on behalf of a club
See further information about the TEN process:
- Apply for a temporary events notice
- Late temporary event notices
- Limitations of a temporary event notice
- Objections to a temporary event notice
- Temporary event notice register
Apply for a temporary events notice
Download a temporary events notice application form.
Your TEN 'notification period' must be 10 clear working days prior to the event, not including the day the notice was submitted to us, nor the day of the event itself.
The organiser of the event must also:
- be an individual aged over 18
- pay the appropriate fee
- keep a copy of the TEN for your records
See details of Licensing Act 2003 statutory fees relating to temporary events.
The fee for a TEN is non-refundable. Before you submit the TEN check it carefully and contact the Licensing Section if you need any further information, including whether the TEN is in time and within the stated limits. Also check the premises is within the City of York authority area.
A duplicate copy of the TEN must be provided to:
- our Licencing Services Team, as the licensing authority for the area
- our Public Protection Unit
- the Chief Officer of Police, Police Licensing Department, Police Station, Fulford Road, York, YO10 4BY
If you're not a personal licence holder you can give a maximum of 5 TENs per year - a maximum of 2 can be 'late TENs'.
If you're a personal licence holder you can give a maximum of 50 TENs per year - a maximum of 10 can be 'late TENs'.
Late temporary event notices
If your notification period is less than 10 clear working days prior to the event (not including the day the notice was submitted to us, nor the day of the event itself), then this is considered a late TEN.
A late TEN can be submitted no later than 5 working days before an event.
Limitations of a temporary event notice
Note the following limitations to temporary event notices:
- the event can have no more than 499 people in attendance
- the event must not exceed 168 hours in duration
- no more than 15 TENs can be given in respect of any particular premise in any year
- any particular premise can have a maximum aggregate duration of 21 days in any year
- there must be a minimum of 24 hours between event notices
Objections to a temporary event notice
The police and public protection unit can object to an event taking place on the grounds of any of the following 4 licensing objectives:
- the prevention of crime and disorder
- public safety
- the prevention of public nuisance
- the protection of children from harm
If an objection is received, the result could be that the terms of the TEN are modified, after mediation, to allow the event to take place, or that the event may not be authorised and cannot go ahead.
Objections to a late temporary event notice
If there is an objection to a late TEN, the event will not be authorised and cannot go ahead. Therefore, we strongly advise you to submit a TEN with sufficient time to allow for any mediation of objections.
Temporary event notice register
View the current temporary events notice register for a summary of all temporary event notices received.
The TENs register indicates if any counter notices have been served and is updated regularly as new notices are received.