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Supply of alcohol at community, church and village halls

Community premises can have a licence to supply alcohol without the requirement to have a Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS).

An application can only be made if the licence holder is, or is to be, a committee or board of individuals with responsibility for the management of the premises.

Community premises include:

  • churches and church halls
  • chapels and chapel halls
  • village halls
  • parish or community halls
  • other similar buildings

Licence application process for community, church and village halls

If the community premise holds a premises licence which includes the sale of alcohol:

If the community premise holds a premises licence for entertainment only:

If the community premise does not hold a premises licence:

Fees for supply of alcohol at community halls

See details of Licensing Act 2003 statutory fees.

Fees relating to DPS condition removal are included in other licensing fees.

See licensing fees for more information about rateable values and the different types of licensing fees.

Temporary event notices

If alcohol is only to be supplied at the premises on an occasional basis for one-off occasions, the best option may be to request that event organisers apply for a Temporary Event Notice (TEN).

Note there is a maximum number of TENs which will be issued and days per year that a premise can hold events, so it is recommended that the bookings committee monitor the number of events where alcohol will be supplied.

Also see:

Licensing Services

Eco Depot, Hazel Court, York, YO10 3DS

Telephone: 01904 552422