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Guidance notes for nominating an asset of community value

We provide guidance and examples of the type of information you'll need to provide to help you complete the nomination form for registering an asset of community value.

Completing the nomination form

The Asset of Community Value Nomination Form covers:

You must answer all the questions in the Asset of Community Value nomination form; we'll use the information you provide to assess whether your nomination meets the requirements of the legislation for designating an asset of community value.

Section 1: About the asset being nominated

In section 1, you need to provide details about the asset being nominated, including:

Asset type - tell us what type of building or piece of land the asset is, for example, playing field, pub, community hall.

Property location - you must provide the full name, address and postcode of the property being nominated.

Property ownership details - you must include ownership details as we'll use them to contact the owner to inform them of the nomination and allow them to comment.

Current occupier details - you must provide the current occupier details as they may not be the same as the owner; we'll use these details to advise everyone affected, if the asset nomination is successful.

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Section 2: About your community organisation

In section 2, you need to provide information to help us assess whether your organisation is eligible to make a nomination, including:

Details of organisation - you must enter the name and address of your organisation; we'll publish this information on our website, and may share details with the owner of the land you're nominating - you must provide the contact details of a member of the organisation's management team, who will also sign and date the section 6: declaration.

Organisation type - you must provide information about your organisation type; only certain voluntary and community bodies are eligible to make a nomination:

  • parish councils or town councils can make nominations for an asset in their own area, or in a neighbouring parish or town council area
  • neighbouring parish councils can make nominations for an asset if they share a boundary and there is no parish council for the area (the asset must be within the City of York Council area)
  • unincorporated community groups with a membership that includes at least 21 local people, who appear on the electoral roll within the City of York Council area, or a neighbouring local authority area - you must provide evidence of the 21 members names and addresses which we'll check against the electoral roll - the group must not distribute any profits to its members
  • neighbourhood forums - A body designated as a neighbourhood forum as set out in section 61F of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, added by the Localism Act 2011. There can only be one neighbourhood forum for an area. Existing community groups, civic societies and others can put themselves forward to be a neighbourhood forum. Prospective neighbourhood forums need to ensure they meet the conditions for designation set out in the legislation. For example a forum should have an open membership policy and seek to draw its membership from across the neighbourhood area and from different sections of the local community.
  • community interest groups with a local connection can make nominations for an asset if they have 1 or more of the following structures:
    • not-for-profit company, such as a charity or a company whose activities benefit the community and who re-invest surplus made from trading back in to the community, often called Social Enterprises or Community Interest Groups
    • community interest company; a company which satisfies the requirements of Part 2 of the Companies (Audit, Investigations and Community Enterprise) Act 2004
    • company limited by guarantee; a company that is non-profit distributing which does not distribute any surplus to its members, but is wholly or partly applied to the local authority area where the asset is based or to a neighbouring authority area
    • industrial and provident society; a body registered or deemed to be registered under the Industrial and Provident Societies Act 1965, which meets 1 of the conditions in section 1 of the Act, and which is non-profit distributing, and does not distribute any surplus it makes to its members, but is wholly or partly applied to the local authority area where the asset is based or to a neighbouring authority

Registration number - you must provide your charity or registration number.

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Section 3: Supporting information for the nomination

In section 3, you need to provide information about why the asset currently boosts the social interest and social wellbeing of a local community or, if it did in the past, why it is realistic to think that it could in the future. For example:

  • how the asset is currently used
  • what activities take place there
  • which groups use it or have done so in the recent past

Social interests include cultural, recreational, and sporting interests.

Social wellbeing relates to social interaction and engagement.

For example, a nomination for a Community Hall may include details such as:

"The hall is the only community facility in our village. It is heavily used throughout the week by a wide range of groups from the village including a mother and toddler group, cubs, Guides, exercise groups, over 60’s, luncheon club and the parish council. The enclosed pages from the booking diary for the month of September give an indication of hall usage. Each year the hall hosts a number of events which attract audiences of all ages from the local community, these include the spring fayre, village games, Christmas carol concert and village pantomime".

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Section 4: Boundary of the property or land being nominated

In section 4, you need to provide information about the extent of the property or land you're nominating.

Please include:

  • a plan showing the location of the asset
  • a site plan with the boundaries marked

Any area which is in the ownership of a 'statutory undertaker' (such as an electricity substation) cannot be listed.

For example, a nomination for a Community Hall may include information and plans depicting the entire village hall building, the car park area to the front and the small area of grassed land at the rear, with notes describing the boundaries marked by the wooden fence on either side, the hedge at the back, and the railings at the edge of the car park.

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Section 5: Attachment checklist

In section 5, you need to provide information about the relevant documents you're providing with the form, in relation to your nomination (known as 'attachments'); we will not be able to assess your nomination without these attachments.

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Section 6: Declaration

In section 6, you need to provide a declaration that the information within the form is complete and accurate.

The form must be signed and dated by a member of the organisation's management team or committee (the contact named in section 2: About your community organisation), such as:

  • manager
  • chairperson
  • secretary
  • treasurer

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Also see

Asset and Property Management

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Telephone: 01904 552167/553305