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Your council

Our Big Budget Conversation

Your suggestions, our proposals

In response to our first budget consultation, we've outlined key areas of feedback and how they have been addressed in the proposals in the second budget consultation.

Parking fees and use of car parks

You said: Raise parking fees - it's a “soft” tourist tax and revenue with minimal impact on residents.

We propose: Using parking as an indirect tourist charge with increased charges.

Service efficiency before service cuts

You said: Avoid essential service cuts by being more efficient.

We propose: Targeted staff reductions and changes to back-office functions, minimising the impact on frontline services.

Reduction in low emission discounts

You said: Adjust or remove certain service discounts to boost revenue without affecting core services.

We propose: Cutting low-emission vehicle parking discounts to protect core services.

Inclusivity in budget communication

You said: Be more accessible and clearer about budget decisions, especially for younger residents.

We propose: Simpler easier to understand options, with clearer, more inclusive communication, targeted at young people.

Investment in revenue and efficiency initiatives

You said: Focus on York’s unique assets to drive long-term revenue with a strategic approach for financial stability.

We propose: Introducing a team to generate new revenue opportunities and efficiency improvements.

Detailed information on service cuts

You said: Tell us about the impact of service cuts to better understand any consequences.

We propose: Sharing specific details about affected services, with feedback from this consultation providing more information.

Means-based cost increases

You said: Be fair - cost increases should be based on the ability to pay.

We propose: Introducing means-based criteria for some fees.

Tourist tax and revenue from tourism

You said: Introduce a tourist tax to get more income.

We propose: We do not have the powers for a tourist tax that could generate enough revenue for the council - it could only be voluntary at this stage.

Congestion charge implementation

You said: Some said congestion charging is an alternative to parking charges.

We propose: We are not introducing a congestion charge, with indirect congestion management through higher parking fees, however remain open about potential changes in future years.

Broader council asset utilisation

You said: Find creative uses of council assets, including events, rentals, and partnerships, for example capitalising on York’s cultural strengths.

We propose: Much of our city centre space is managed through Make It York. Other opportunities will be looked at in future budgets.

Comprehensive impact of service cuts

You said: How does each service cut impact the community?

We propose: We are continuing to use the budget consultation to tell us how proposals will affect different communities.

Alternative tax or fee options, such as second home charge

You said: Explore charges like a second-home tax which has minimal impact on primary residents.

We propose: 100% council tax on 2nd homes in April 2025.

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Our Big Conversation

West Offices, Station Rise, York YO1 6GA
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