Classes of information
The classes of information we hold are:
- who we are and what we do
- what we spend and how we spend it
- what our priorities are and how we are doing
- how we make decisions
- our policies and procedures
- lists and registers
We don't generally hold information that is:
- prevented by law from being disclosed, or is otherwise properly considered to be protected from disclosure
- exempt under the Freedom of Information Act
- in draft form
- no longer readily available as it has been placed in archive storage, or is difficult to access for similar reasons
The Information Commissioner has produced sector specific guidance manuals on the types of information councils are expected to publish.
Who we are and what we do
You can access information on how the council is structured, governed, and on the main rules and procedures under which we operate.
The constitution explains the structure and workings of the council. It sets out who makes decisions and how they are made, and the rights of residents to obtain information and to influence decisions.
The constitution is maintained under Section 37 of the Local Government Act 2000.
Our structure
We are lead by a team of executive members. Our services and functions are grouped within five directorates and the Office of the Chief Executive.
Elected councillors
You can access details of local councillors (York has 47 councillors in total), including names, contact details, areas and political parties. You can also view results of recent local elections.
The services we offer
You can find information about all our services on this website.
You can contact each customer-facing service area using contact details at the bottom of all pages on our website. Alternatively our customer centre can provide appropriate contact details.
Our customer centre has information about our opening times and location.
Relationships with other authorities
We are a unitary authority which means we provide all 'principal services' (different from the 'two-tier' arrangement found elsewhere). 32 parish councils also provide services for residents within the York area.
Central government provides funding and guidance on our provision of services. We have a close relationship with government departments covering schools and education, and benefits.
We also work with North Yorkshire Police to reduce crime and disorder, and with the NHS North Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group for social care.
We are a member of the Local Strategic Partnership (LSP) of local public authorities, providing community leadership in the city. We provide facilities for elections within the LSP area for councillors, parish councillors and members of Parliament.
The Returning Officer in charge of elections has a special legal status distinct from the council although the facilities they need are provided by us.
The Monitoring Officer has a slightly different special status, and is responsible for:
- ensuring that we always act lawfully
- ensuring that we always act in the public interest
- promoting good ethical governance within the council
- partly overseeing complaints about councillors.
The Monitoring Officer also acts as Monitoring Officer for the parishes within our boundaries.
What we spend and how we spend it
We hold financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, tendering, procurement and contracts.
Financial statements, budgets and variance reports
Every year, we send residents a summary of budget information describing how we plan to spend money, along with council tax information. More details are available in budget papers, capital programme papers, periodic monitoring and variance reports within our modgov system.
Our statement of accounts shows how money actually was spent.
Financial audit reports
The statement of accounts includes the auditor’s certificate.
The members’ allowances scheme
You can view details of councillor allowances and expenses paid to our elected members in the previous year.
Election expenses
Details of election expenses are available via the Guildhall by appointment.
Procurement procedures
We publish general information about our procurement policy.
You can view information about our contracts, including those awarded and completed. It may be necessary to set up an account to see some details, but there is no charge.
The council is committed to engaging with suppliers to procure and commission work, services and supplies. We use the online portal YORtender for our competitive tendering processes.
See further information about our procurement policies and practices, and the wide range of existing procurement framework agreements that can be accessed by local authorities.
Internal financial regulations
You can view our financial regulations in the constitution.
What our priorities are and how we are doing
You can view information on our strategy and performance, plans, assessments, inspections and reviews:
- our annual report looks back at our achievements over the past year.
- Forward plans lists all the key decisions we have to make over the coming months
- OFSTED inspects the provision of education, see Ofsted reports for more information.
How we make decisions
Most decisions are made by councillors. Other 'officer decisions' are made by senior officers to keep services running day to day.
We hold information that you can view on policy proposals and decisions, decision-making processes, internal criteria and procedures, and consultations.
Council meetings
A calendar of upcoming council meetings is available, which you can search by committee name, date and ward.
Agendas and reports for public meetings are published in advance, and minutes are published following the meetings.
Analyses of facts considered for major policies
Our report writing protocol requires options and analysis to be presented in all reports. This means that councillors have all relevant information to help them make the right decision.
You can view particular analyses by searching for the report on the matter or decision in question on our modgov system.
Public consultations
Our Business Intelligence team is the first point of contact for enquiries about our public consultations, opinion surveys and other research.
Our policies and procedures
We hold information on the current written protocols for delivering our functions and responsibilities.
Conducting council business
The constitution explains our structure, the rules and procedures under which we operate, who makes decisions and how they are made.
Recruitment and employment
View information about working for the council, jobs and careers. Policies relevant to both recruitment and the delivery of the council’s services include:
Customer service
See our customer service standards.
Charging policies
When we charge for a service or charge for providing information, we will confirm the amount due with you and may request that you pay before we provide the service or information.
Lists and Registers
You can view information that we hold in registers required by law and other lists and registers relating to the functions of the council.
Public registers and registers held as public records
We maintain the following statutory registers and access is governed by a particular legal process:
- contaminated land
- cooling towers
- cremations
- food premises registrations
- licences granted under the Licensing Act 2003
- motor salvage operators
- noise nuisance control notices
- pollution prevention and control installations
- premises licensed for gambling
- private hire drivers
- private water supply
- scrap metal dealers
- stores of explosives, and of poisons
- taxi owners
- traders in second hand goods
- waste management licences
The Registrar maintains registers of births, deaths and marriages. For family history research, see York Explore.
Asset register
York's Capital Strategy Statement and Corporate Asset Management Plan ensure we have an effective strategy and operational plan to make the best use of our resources and assets.
Register of councillor's interests
View each councillor's declaration of interests via our modgov system.
Registers of gifts and hospitality
Each director keeps a register of any gifts and hospitality received by staff. You can view the Gifts and Hospitality Register on York Open Data.
Register of electors
We make and keep two versions of the register of electors, the full register, and the edited register. You can buy a copy of the edited register or make an appointment to view the full register - contact our customer centre for details.