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Health and social care

Age Friendly York

Our Age Friendly Ambassadors

Age Friendly York want to ensure there's an opportunity for residents be involved in discussions, planning and carrying out changes. To do this we feel there needs to be a named person to act as a 'Friendly Ambassador' for specific topics.

This gives the opportunity for residents to be involved in topics they're passionate about and to make a difference.

If you'd like to be an Ambassador for a topic you're passionate about then contact Carl on email:, or telephone: 01904 554595.

Meet our Age Friendly Ambassadors:

Health Ambassador

Our Health Ambassador, George Wood, says:

On leaving Ilkley Grammar School in 1963 I was fortunate enough to be appointed to a Junior Clerk’s post at St. James’s Hospital Leeds. 41 years later I retired from the NHS. In my final post I was Deputy to the Chief Executive of the York NHS Trust.

"My interest in issues around Health and Social Care continued. I became involved in the York Older People’s Assembly in 2009 and that has also continued. More recently I have become involved with Nimbuscare as a member of their Quality and Governance Committee.

"To undertake this Ambassador role I feel I need to better understand the workings of the York Health and Care Partnership – going forward that is one of my objectives.”

These are the following priorities initially agreed:

  1. To ensure any Age Friendly health-related issues are forwarded to Healthwatch York.
  2. To ensure any Healthwatch York consultations are promoted through Age Friendly York, YOPA and any other relevant group.
  3. To maintain an understanding of the Integrated Care System, the York Health and Care Partnership, and identify where it may be useful for Age Friendly York to contribute or influence.
  4. To create a link between Age Friendly York and Nimbuscare so that members are aware of any new initiatives.
  5. Where appropriate be a citizen representative as an Age Friendly Ambassador where Age Friendly York are invited to health-related meetings.

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Ex-Service Men and Service Women Ambassador

Our Ex-Service Men and Service Women Ambassador, John Jessop, says:

From birth in 1930 to my retirement in 1995 I have lived in a military environment. During this period I had the best part of 50 years serving in the Army.

"My Army career was:

  • Boy Service - 2 years
  • Other Rank service - 12 years - Sapper to WO2 (Instr)
  • Commissioned service - 25 years - Lt to Major (QM)
  • Retired Officers post at HQ 2 Div - 9 years as an RO3

"During that time I was on active service in Greece, Somaliland, Malaya, Kenya, Aden Germany and Northern Ireland.

"I was also on more relaxed Garrison duties in Malawi, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Kenya, Hong Kong, Brunei and Nepal.”

These are the following priorities initially agreed:

  1. Provide a listening ear to any ex-servicemen and women and where appropriate, signpost them to services. This could be at Tuesday meetings or breakfast clubs or if Dax (community involvement officer - armed forces covenant) offers someone the opportunity for John to give them a ring.
  2. Help explore how we are getting messages out to ex-servicemen and women that live in York so they know where they can come for a chat or information.
  3. Where appropriate join York Armed Covenant meetings and events that require a citizen representative as an Age Friendly Ambassador.
  4. Ensure ex-servicemen and women can have a voice in what York offers as a city for older people, through providing the opportunity for them to join the Age Friendly York mailing list.
  5. Feedback any specific age friendly comments from discussions with ex-servicemen and women.

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Cycling Ambassador

Our Cycling Ambassador, Rose Berl, says:

I was born and brought up in our city and have been cycling since I was at primary school (a long time ago...).

"I want to encourage older citizens and visitors to York to cycle for a variety of reasons:

  • it's good for one's physical and mental well-being, and helps me to stay fit
  • when I cycle I can relax my mind and sometimes come up with insights (which I sometimes later forget...)
  • often it's the quickest way of getting about; often I sail past cars stuck in a traffic jam
  • climate change and pollution are 2 of our worst problems in York. Cycling doesn't pollute and is carbon-neutral
  • it's a cheap mode of transport

"I'm now 75 and hope to keep on pedalling for at least another 20 years. Please wish me luck and join me.”

These are the following priorities initially agreed:

  1. To be a contact point for resident representation where there is a meeting regarding cycling that impacts older people.
  2. To be aware of cycling related impacts that may affect older people, so we can determine if there needs to be an Age Friendly York comment or encouragement for residents to complete a survey.
  3. To ensure we take other age friendly considerations into account (for example how we can improve the experience for both pedestrians and cyclists) and to inform transport strategy.
  4. To ensure we capture cycling opportunities through Live Well York.
  5. Periodically check the York Cycle Campaign website and social media to see if there is anything Age Friendly York needs to be aware of.
  6. Work with Age Friendly York to go through the 42 Ways to Transform York to see if this is something Age Friendly York should support and if there are specific ones we would want to focus on.

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