Age Friendly York documents
![Age Friendly York logo.](/images/age_friendly_york_logo.png)
We've provided documents and resources related to the Age Friendly York project, including:
- Age Friendly York accountability
- Age Friendly York Action Plan
- Age Friendly York baseline assessments
- Age Friendly York key findings
Age Friendly York accountability
We recognise that good decisions require everyone to be involved. We've established an Age Friendly York Group which meets on the first Thursday of every other month at 10.00am at West Offices. This consists of citizens, council officers and organisations with an involvement in older people’s interests so we can find solutions together. This is called co-production.
We discuss what matters to older people in York, picking up on any citizen comments throughout the month. The group then decides what the priorities are for older people and what improvements can be made.
Members of the group are represented on the Ageing Well Partnership which is the older people arm of the Health and Wellbeing Board.
Age Friendly York meets with the national network of age friendly communities, led by the Centre for Ageing Better. This ensures that York is working within the age friendly ethos and provides the opportunity to share and receive good practice.
The Ageing Well Partnership is working towards World Health Organisation Age Friendly status. It was agreed through the Health and Wellbeing Board to consult with the groups and organisations that represent older people in York as to when will be the most appropriate time to submit an application.
Age Friendly York Action Plan
The Age Friendly York Evolving Action Plan outlines actions agreed, based on citizen feedback, and shows how we intend to deliver against the actions and progress status. It's discussed at each Ageing Well Partnership meeting.
Age Friendly York baseline assessments
The World Health Organisation requires us to produce a 'baseline assessment', which gives us an opportunity to set out what we currently provide and what you, the residents, think of the quality of what we offer.
Our Getting Out And About Baseline Assessment relates to getting out and about in York.
Our Your Leisure Time Baseline Assessment relates to older people in York being able to access leisure activities and events and reduce the risk of social isolation. We asked people’s views about re-engaging with activities as COVID-19 government restrictions are reduced, Healthwatch York captured views in the Groups and activities report.
Our Your Employment Time Baseline Assessment relates to considerations for employers and employees for people working in York over the age of 50.
Our Your Information Baseline Assessment relates to findings and considerations required in respect to older people accessing the information they require.
Our Your Service Baseline Assessmentrelates to findings and considerations required in respect to older people accessing the services in York.
Age Friendly York key findings
See the key findings of our past consultations:
- Age Friendly York Your Journey Consultation - Key Findings August 2019
- Age Friendly York Your Destination Consultation - Key Findings November 2019
- Age Friendly York Your Leisure Time Consultation - Key Findings - June 2021
Also see
Age Friendly York
Adult Commissioning Team