Age Friendly York

We want older people to help shape where they live by working with local groups, businesses and ourselves to identify and make changes to their physical and social environments.
Age Friendly York will:
- enable people to live healthy and active lives
- encourage communities to treat people with respect, regardless of their age
We will ensure there are always opportunities to be involved by:
- providing the opportunity to feedback at any point, through all aspects covered by Age Friendly York - there is no wrong time to have a view
- you can provide your comments or experiences through the Your Voice Your Experience survey, these are then anonymously shared in our Age Friendly York meetings
- ensuring you have access to what the key findings are from the consultations and how these directly inform the action plan
- join our mailing list to receive updates by contacting us on email:, or calling Carl on telephone: 01904 554595
- ensuring information is available about what has been achieved so far
We meet every other month at 10.00am at West Offices and dates for your 2025 diary are:
- Thursday 6 February
- Thursday 3 April
- Thursday 5 June
- Thursday 7 August
- Thursday 2 October
- Thursday 4 December
We also work in partnership with The York Older People Assembly who provide an Open Meeting that takes place in between these meetings (2.00pm at the Friends Meeting House), with 2025 dates as follows:
- Monday 20 January
- Monday 17 March
- Monday 19 May
- Monday 21 July
- Monday 15 September
- Monday 17 November
York is already part of the UK Network of Age Friendly Communities, facilitated by the Centre for Ageing Better.
The Network includes a range of cities and communities:
- Over 60 in the UK
- Over 1,300 across the world
Making York 'Age friendly'
We're working towards 'Age friendly' status, using World Health Organisation 'Age friendly statements' to check how we're currently performing against what we want to achieve.
We're focusing on certain aspects of living in York as an older person, including:
- getting out and about
- your time
- your access to information
- your service
- your home
If you would like to be involved in making York more age friendly then please contact Carl Wain:
- email:
- telephone: 01904 554595