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Hostels and supported housing

In addition to temporary accommodation and accommodation for families, we use a range of accommodation across York for single people or couples without children who are homeless.

Some are owned and managed by us, while some are run by voluntary organisations, charities or the private sector.

The accommodation we're able to offer depends on your circumstances and what's available at the time.

Access to all hostels and supported accommodation is through a referral from our Housing Options team, the Rough Sleeper Team drop-in, or a range of multi-agency referrers.

These referrals are filtered through a Single Access Point to allocate supported accommodation.

Single Access Point

York operates a Single Access Point (SAP) for the majority of supported housing and 'floating support' in the city.

Professional referrals should be made using a Single Access Point referral form.

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Hostel accommodation for single people or couples with no children

Union Terrace Hostel, managed by Changing Lives: Union Terrace, York YO31 7ES.
Telephone: 01904 630500.

Union Terrace Hostel, formerly Arc Light, is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and offers accommodation for men and couples without children.

The building has 39 bed spaces, predominantly single en-suite units, a unit with disabled facilities, and a number of twin rooms. 4 of their rooms are not en-suite.

In addition, there are specialist meeting and counselling rooms, and associated training, education, health, fitness and community facilities.

The hostel provides breakfast, lunch and evening meals.

Robinson Court, managed by Changing Lives: 101 Walmgate, York YO1 9TR.
Telephone: 01904 642307.

Robinson Court offers accommodation for women and young people aged 18+ (18 units).

The building has rooms with shared kitchen and bathroom facilities.

Robinson Court is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Peasholme Centre: 4 Fishergate, York YO10 4FH.
Telephone: 01904 551901.

The Peasholme Centre offers accommodation for single homeless men and women or couples without children aged 16+.

The centre has 20 en-suite rooms, singles, and 2 doubles, and also has 2 rooms which can accommodate wheelchair users.

It has group education rooms, meeting and counselling rooms as well as an IT suite. It also provides breakfast and evening meals.

Residents must be willing and able to take part in a planned support programme, which is based on their individual needs and aspirations. It ensures that they will be fully supported in their move towards successful independent living.

Peasholme Centre is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Howe Hill for Young People: 136 Acomb Road, York YO24 4HA.
Telephone: 01904 553141.

Howe Hill is a 24 bed hostel for 16 to 25 year olds, including young parents.

There is a communal lounge, IT suite, training room, with breakfast and evening meal available.

Each young person will have a support worker and access to Youth Education Project (YEW).

Howe Hill is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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Supported shared housing for single people or couples with no children

There are several shared houses in York which offer a lower level of support and management than hostels. The aim of these schemes is to be a stepping stone to independent housing.

Residents may have moved in from the hostels. They are expected to engage with support workers, have a level of independence and manage their money.

All properties are allocated via Single Access Point. Shared houses are managed by Changing Lives and Restore.

Scarcroft Road, managed by Changing Lives.
Telephone: 01904 637233.

Scarcroft Road provides shared housing for 9 people aged 16 to 25.

Accommodation is in smaller cluster flats with shared kitchen and bathroom. There is a communal lounge and meeting area.

The office is on site.

Alternative housing scheme for young people, provided by Safe and Sound Homes (SASH).

SASH provides supported lodgings for young people aged 16 to 25.

Accommodation is in the homes of volunteer hosts in York, who are vetted and trained by the project.

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Other supported accommodation

Women fleeing violence

The Women's Refuge is managed by IDAS and provides accommodation for women and their children who are at risk from domestic violence.

If you're fleeing domestic violence or domestic abuse, contact:

  • free local helpline on telephone: 03000 110 110
  • free 24-hour national helpline on telephone: 0808 2000 247
  • email:

If you are experiencing active domestic violence, call the police on telephone: 999

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Also see

Housing Options

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 554500

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