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Waste and recycling

Assisted waste collections

You may be eligible for a free assisted waste collection service if you have difficulty moving recycling boxes or waste containers, for example due to:

  • your age
  • a disability
  • mobility issues

This service is available if no one else aged 16 years or older resides at your property or if you do not have a neighbour or friend who can help you put your bins out.

The assisted collection service covers all 3 types of waste collections: household, recycling, and garden waste (for those subscribed to the Garden Waste Subscription Scheme). The service must be applied to all types of collection.

When you've arranged an assisted collection, our Waste crews will collect your waste containers from an agreed location at your property, instead of you having to present them at the kerbside.

Please note that we can't collect waste from a position which is:

  • through an alley gate
  • through a garden gate
  • through a locked gate (we can't hold keys or codes for properties)
  • inside a shed or garage
  • in a location accessed via steps

Please contact Waste, Highways and Environmental Services to arrange an assisted collection, or to tell us that assistance is no longer required at an address. After we have confirmed your start date for this service you won't need to take your bins to your property boundary.

We’ll review assisted collection arrangements every 3 years. If you wish to continue with the service, you’ll need to complete a form and return it to us by post.

Missed assisted collections

If your collection has been missed, check our waste collection updates for details of any known service issues.

See details of how we deal with missed assisted collections.

Also see

Waste, Highways and Environmental Services

Telephone: 01904 551551

Waste Calendar illustration, with red 'tick' icon marking a place within the dates.

Check your waste collection dates, the types of waste we collect at your address, and where to put your containers for collection.

Waste collection calendar