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Waste and recycling

Household waste collections

All households in York have fortnightly collections for non-recyclable household waste; watch our video to find out more about 'the waste journey' in York.

You should present your waste in 1 black wheelie bin (with the lid shut), or up to 3 black sacks, depending on the types of containers used in your area. Please ensure that black sacks do not contain any sharp objects which could cause injury to our crew.

To ensure collection you must put your household waste out, at the front edge or your property (unless otherwise stated in the online waste calendar), between 7.00pm on the day before collection, and 7.00am on your collection day. Do not put your rubbish out at any other time.

To ensure we can collect waste from communal bin stores they must be kept clean and free from accumulations of waste on the floor/around wheeled bins; you must also make us aware of any changes to access codes or keys.

Check your eligibility for an assisted waste collection if you're unable to put your waste out yourself.

Check your bin day

Use our online waste collection calendar to check:

Online waste collection calendar

View or print waste collection dates for 12 months (from December to November) in calendar or list format. If you refer to a printed copy, please be aware dates could change, owing to process updates, collection requirements, availability of resources, or inclement weather. If you, or someone you know, is unable to use the online waste collection calendar, or unable to print a copy, request an accessible format.

Disposing of extra waste

Our waste collection team won't take any extra household waste, which will not fit into your wheelie bin, nor any excess black sacks. The only exception is during our 'Christmas collection'.

It's your responsibility to dispose of your waste legally and responsibly.

Take any additional household waste to one of our Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRC):

Household waste can include garden waste if you live outside a garden waste collection area, or have space in your bin or bags. Check items which are suitable for your garden waste bin.

Missed household waste collections

If your collection has been missed, check our waste collection updates for details of any known service issues.

See details of how we deal with missed household waste collections.

Later waste collection times

Waste collections may be carried out later in the day, while our Waste Services Teams are working in a flexible way to continue delivering critical services.

Check our waste collection updates before reporting a missed bin.

Any missed collections should be reported:

  • after 4.00pm on your collection day
  • within 1 working day of your normal collection time

Also see

Waste, Highways and Environmental Services

Telephone: 01904 551551

Waste Calendar illustration, with red 'tick' icon marking a place within the dates.

Check your waste collection dates, the types of waste we collect at your address, and where to put your containers for collection.

Waste collection calendar