Severe weather, power cuts and other emergency situations can affect householders at any time, so it's important that you're prepared for both foreseen and unforeseen events.
It's also important for landlords and managing agents to work with their tenants to ensure they know what action to take in emergency situations.
Prepare for emergency situations
To help prepare for emergency situations, we recommend:
- reading about preparing for emergencies on GOV.UK
- learning how to protect yourself, your community or your business with advice available on the Local Resilience Forum website. Alternatively, you can read the information and advice on the Yorkshire Ready Together website
- having an interactive conversation about how to prepare for an emergency with the Yorkshire Ready Together Chatbot - you can save this to your smart phone for ease of access in future
Prepare for flooding
In York the most predictable emergency event is flooding.
Householders and private landlords in higher risk areas should take appropriate action and ensure they have a household emergency plan in place.
If your property is at risk of flooding, we recommend:
- reading our emergency plans for flooding
- registering for GOV.UK flood alerts
- keeping up to date with the latest flood advice and information
Also see
Emergency Planning
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