This guidance forms non-statutory guidance to supplement the policies and proposals of the City of York New Local Plan to provide advice about the level of developer contributions to educational facilities required to ensure local provision can accommodate the extra demand created by new residential development.
The guidance is aimed at all groups involved in residential development and education - including council officers, developers, landowners, parish councils, and local interest groups.
Policy ED6 (Preschool, Primary and Secondary Education) of the plan states (the latest version of Local Plan incorporating proposed Modifications (Feb 23)):
‘The provision of sufficient modern education facilities for the delivery of preschool, primary and secondary school education to meet an identified need and address deficiencies in existing facilities will be facilitated. Subject to detailed viability and deliverability work as part of site master planning, this will include new provision to support strategic housing allocations (as identified in the Spatial Strategy) alongside any future developments of existing educational facilities which reflect the aspirations of local communities.’
Additionally, Policy DM1 (Infrastructure and Developer Contributions) states:
"The Council will seek contributions from developers to ensure that the necessary infrastructure is in place to support future development in York. Contributions will be sought to fund strategic infrastructure that helps deliver the Vision, Spatial Strategy and Objectives of the Local Plan, as well as specific infrastructure that is necessary to deliver an individual us...
...The required strategic infrastructure, timescales for its delivery and the anticipated funding streams for its provision (including the role of S106 contributions and CIL) are set out in the supporting Infrastructure Delivery Plan."
For further information regarding legal agreements, see also our Developer Contributions webpage. Further information is also available regarding the implementation of a Community Infrastructure Levy.
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