Residents' Association meetings
Set your meetings in advance, invite relevant people, and book a venue making sure it is accessible and is easy for most people to get to.
You may want to create a poster to advertise the meeting. Put it on community notice boards and promote the meeting on social media too.
Produce an agenda and make sure minutes of the meeting are taken. Make sure the minutes are agreed at the start of the next meeting.
Put your minutes where people can see and read them. By sharing minutes on social media and community notice boards you'll be able to reach people who weren’t at the meeting.
Annual General meeting
A few months before your Annual General Meeting (AGM) is due, check your constitution is still relevant. Any changes will need to be made at the AGM.
Advertise the AGM according to your constitution
Agree the agenda in a meeting and make sure minutes are taken. These minutes will need to be agreed at the next AGM, so keep them safely.