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Setting up a Residents' Association

Publicising your Residents' Association

There are many ways to let people know about you.

Leaflets can be used to advertise an event or meeting. They can be delivered to each home so everyone has the information.

Posters, which can be larger copies of leaflets, can be put into community notice boards, parks, or libraries.

Newsletters can be a good way to let everyone know what you are doing. They can ask for help and give contact details for your committee.

Websites can be valuable to let people know what you are doing. You could put links to other websites on your site. You can link to your Facebook site and visa versa.

A Facebook group can be closed to anyone if they are not a resident in your area. All publicity can be put onto Facebook for all members to see. Remember that not everyone will be part of your Facebook group.

Submit an article for inclusion in Open Door, the newsletter for council tenants and leaseholders - contact the Housing Equalities and Engagement Facilitator to find out when the next edition is due.

Try to focus publicity on local issues which will encourage people to engage with you.

Use a number of ways to publicise your association and events. Using a paper advert and social media will reach more people than only advertising in one way.

Also see

Housing Equalities and Engagement Facilitator

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 552097