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Schools and education

Post-16 Transport Policy Statement

Additional information about post-16 transport

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Educational establishments

Education or training refers to learning or training at:

  • a school sixth form
  • further education institution
  • a council maintained or assisted institution providing higher or further education
  • an establishment funded directly by the Education Skills Funding Agency
  • learning providers delivering accredited programmes of learning which lead to positive outcomes and are funded by the council, for example, colleges, charities and private learning providers

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Travel options

The local authority will always offer the most economical method of transport assistance available to the young person. This will usually be by the provision of a bus pass for a public service bus or a place on our dedicated home to school coaches. Other options which may be available are:

  • a mileage payment to enable you to transport the young person to their education provision this is paid at 60p per mile for 2 return journeys per day
  • access to the independent travel training programme (York Independent Living and Travel Skills) to gain vital life skills
  • a bespoke personal budget for young people with a higher level of needs to enable you to arrange the necessary travel support yourself
  • other creative solutions where we can work with families to provide the best support for the young person to ensure safe travel to and from their education provision
  • a seat in a minibus
  • a seat in a taxi

Personal transport budget (PTB) payments are intended only for families that meet the low income criteria. In exceptional circumstances a PTB may be provided on a discretionary basis.

Any form of PTB will be made prior to the start of the next term. Payments will be made from the date the application is assessed and will not be backdated. Any payment of a PTB must achieve a saving of at least 25% of the cost for the council to offer a place in a funded vehicle where the young person is eligible for a place.

Taxis will usually only be provided if necessity is proven and for young people with severe disabilities or the most complex health needs.

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Annual reviews of transport provision

Travel assistance is agreed on an annual basis and all post-16 transport must be applied for each year even if the student is staying at the same college setting.

In every case, travel assistance will be reviewed following a house move, change in placement or course, or a change in the student’s needs (condition, medication or equipment) or any other change in circumstances which may be relevant.

Following an incident on college transport, it may be necessary to stop provision until a further risk assessment has been carried out to make sure that the student can be transported safely. If this occurs, parents or carers will be responsible for transport and costs until the situation has been resolved.

Travel assistance will not normally be withdrawn during an academic year, except where a programme of independent travel training has been completed successfully or a student’s circumstances have changed

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Provision of passenger transport assistants (PTAs)

A passenger transport assistant is not normally provided for post-16 young people exceptions to this may be:

  • where large numbers of young people are travelling together or if a young person has significant health, behavioural or additional requirements, a passenger transport assistant may be provided for the route or the individual young person
  • where there is substantial evidence that demonstrates a young person may be at risk or may pose a risk to others on the same route if they travel without supervision

Where a PTA is agreed they will not carry out any medical intervention and in the case of an emergency will telephone: 999.

Any request for an individual passenger transport assistant must be supported by detailed evidence that demonstrates the risk to individuals or others.

If approved the provision of a passenger transport assistant will be subject to a continuous review by the transport team.

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Also see

Children and Young People Transport Team

Telephone: 01904 551554 (option 1)