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Schools and education

Post-16 Transport Policy Statement

Review of decisions and the appeal process

Any parent or carer who makes an application for transport support under the provisions set out in the local authority’s policy where that application is refused will have the right to have their case reviewed.

Stage 1

During stage 1:

  • the parent or carer can ask for a review of the decision to decline their requested support for transport
  • the documentation relating to the parent or carer’s case will be reviewed by a Senior Officer of the local authority, who will be given the authority to review the original decision
  • where the Senior Officer upholds the original decision they will inform the parent/carer in writing and offer the right to continue to Stage 2 of the review process

Stage 2

During stage 2:

  • parent or carers can request a review by 3 elected members who will consider the appeal by means of a meeting of all parties involved including the Local Authority representative and the parent or carers
  • parent or carers will submit a review form and any other supporting evidence to request this review
  • a meeting shall be convened within 40 working days to consider the parent or carer’s case based on the documentation provided

The procedure for hearing the appeals shall be as follows:

  1. Local authority representative to give evidence on the authority’s decision.
  2. Panel to ask questions of the local authority representative.
  3. Parent or carers to ask questions of the local authority representative.
  4. Parent or carers to give evidence in support of their appeal.
  5. Local authority representative to ask questions of parent or carers.
  6. Panel to ask questions of parent or carers.
  7. Summing up by local authority representative.
  8. Summing up by parent or carers.
  9. Local authority representative and parent or carers to retire.
  10. Panel decision.
  11. Decision to be sent in writing to parent or carers.

Notification of the decision made at the review will be sent to the parent or carers in writing giving a reason for the decision.

Nothing in this review procedure prevents parent or carers making a complaint to the Local Government Ombudsman.

Also see

Children and Young People Transport Team

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 551554