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Travel and transport

Tracing property left in a taxi

To trace any 'lost property' left in taxis, contact our Taxi Licensing Team.

How we tracing lost property in taxis

To help us trace your lost property, please provide as much information as possible about the vehicle, such as:

  • licence plate number
  • registration number
  • make, model and colour

You should also provide:

  • a description of the lost item(s)
  • the location, date and time you were picked up

If a York licensed taxi or private hire driver finds lost property in their vehicle, they'll return it to our Taxi Licensing Team.

However, we can't guarantee we'll be able to return it, as:

  • the driver may not be aware of your lost property
  • another customer could pick it up

Property left in an 'out of area' taxi

Contact the relevant home licensing authority if you leave property in an 'out of area' licensed vehicle.

Also see


Taxi Licensing Team

Eco Depot, Hazel Court, York, YO10 3DS

Telephone: 01904 552422