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Health and social care

Draft Adult Social Care Strategy 2025 to 2028

Our commitments

Our commitments include:

  • taking a strength-based approach - supporting people by focusing on how they want to live their lives, building on their strengths by focusing on what matters to them, and working with local communities to involve people in creating the right support
  • helping people stay at home - providing equipment and technology to help people stay at home or exploring alternative accommodation to enable people to live as independently as possible
  • joined up care and support - working across the council and with other partners to help people get the best outcomes. We will work with organisations providing care and support to ensure safe and high-quality services
  • making best use of our resources - we will provide the right amount of support to meet people’s needs and best outcomes. We will look at innovative and effective ways to deliver care and support
  • keeping people safe - making sure that people stay well and safe from harm and abuse. We will work with other organisations when we need to, supporting people to make their own choices and decisions
  • wellbeing for all - helping people think about the support they need and plan for now and into older age. We will help people to find the things that work best for them and work together for the best outcomes
  • valuing carers - we recognise and value the vital role of unpaid carers in our communities and we will support them in their caring role, as well as supporting them if their caring responsibilities change or end
  • supporting our workforce - we value and respect all the staff who work in Adult Social Care and will equip them with the skills, knowledge and resources to provide effective care and support

Also see

Adult Social Care Community Team

Telephone: 01904 555111, Textphone: 07534 437804

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Adult Social Care Emergency Duty Team

Contact the Emergency Duty Team for assistance.

We're available between 5.00pm and 8.30am, Monday to Friday, 24 hours a day over weekends (between 5.00pm Friday until 8.30am Monday), and 24 hours on bank holidays.

Telephone: 0300 1312131