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Health and social care

Draft Adult Social Care Strategy 2025 to 2028

Our priorities

These priorities were chosen to align with goals from the City of York Council Plan and the Health and Wellbeing Strategy. They focus on areas we believe need improvement or development and include ideas from the ‘Making it Real’ Framework, created by Think Local Act Personal, a group dedicated to improving health and care with input from service users.

Read our priorities:

Priority 1: Get the best from a strength-based approach

A strength-based approach is essential in order to bring together services and strategies with a focus on individuals' abilities, resources, and resilience rather than just their needs and deficits. This approach empowers individuals, recognising that everyone has strengths, abilities and connections that can help to improve their lives. By doing this we can create more sustainable, effective, and empowering support systems. We can meet our legal obligations and also promote better outcomes and greater satisfaction for those receiving support and their carers.

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Priority 2: Ensure we meet our “best value duty” in delivering and commissioning services

We're responsible in law for making sure that the money spent on services like adult social care is used wisely. This is called the best value duty. This means we will always look for ways to improve services while keeping costs under control. We will make sure that every service we provide is cost-effective and delivers value for money.

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Priority 3: Make sure our services are high-quality

We will make sure that the services we provide and pay for are good quality. This means regularly checking that they are safe and meet people’s needs. We will also work closely with the organisations that provide care in our city to make sure they are meeting the highest of standards.

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Priority 4: Make sure homes support independence

Good housing options are the key to helping people stay independent and live in their homes for longer. We will work to provide housing that is safe, well- designed, and fitted with the right support to help people live on their own for longer. This will reduce the need for people to move into care homes.

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Priority 5: Improve the data used in commissioning decisions

We recognise that we need to make better use of existing data in order to support our goals for strength-based services, improvement and quality assurance and to make sure we always get value for money.

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Priority 6: Reduce the need for care and support

We want to help people stay independent and avoid long-term care where possible. This means helping people early, before their needs become serious and guiding them to the right services and community options and help them to stay well and avoid the need for care. When people require care and support, we will ensure this works to maintain their independence and strengths.

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Priority 7: Work with health services to improve care

We will work closely with health services to make sure people get the care they need quickly and easily. By working together, we can avoid delays and ensure that people get the right support at the right time. This also means improving how we help people avoid needing to go into hospital by providing other options and services together.

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Priority 8: Use technology to improve care and support

We will use technology to make our services better and easier to use. This includes improving how we manage care records and providing tools that help staff do their jobs more effectively. Technology will also allow us to make faster decisions about care and support.

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Priority 9: Help people get from hospital to home quickly

When people are ready to leave hospital, we will make sure they get the support they need to go home and stay independent. We will use a strength-based approach, which focuses on what people can do and the support they have around them, so they can avoid long-term care.

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Priority 10: Involve more people in planning their care and in the design of services

Co-production means working with people to design and deliver the services they use. By listening to their experiences and ideas, we can make sure that services meet their needs and work well for everyone. This helps create better outcomes and ensures that people feel included in decisions about their care.

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Priority 11: Work together with other Local Authorities

We will work closely with other local councils to share resources and ideas. By doing this, we can improve services, reduce costs, and make sure that people get the support they need no matter where they live.

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Also see

Adult Social Care Community Team

Telephone: 01904 555111, Textphone: 07534 437804

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Adult Social Care Emergency Duty Team

Contact the Emergency Duty Team for assistance.

We're available between 5.00pm and 8.30am, Monday to Friday, 24 hours a day over weekends (between 5.00pm Friday until 8.30am Monday), and 24 hours on bank holidays.

Telephone: 0300 1312131