YFAS Emergency Assistance
Emergency Assistance provides help to cover immediate short-term needs.
Applications will be considered for:
- food vouchers or fuel costs
- exceptional travel expenses, for example to attend the funeral of a close relative, or visiting a relative in hospital who has suddenly been taken ill or whose condition suddenly deteriorates
- loss of possessions or property following a disaster, an event of great or sudden misfortune which normally results in significant damage to, destruction or loss of, possessions or property and your losses are not covered by insurance. A disaster could be flooding, gas explosion, chemical leak or a fire
If your DWP benefit has been sanctioned (stopped/ reduced) and are challenging the decision by a reconsideration or appeal, you will be eligible to apply for emergency food vouchers and fuel top-ups.
Essential clothing may be provided if you have been released from prison, fled domestic abuse and had to leave your clothes behind, or you have secured accommodation after being street homeless.
School clothing is covered by another council scheme. See details of how to get assistance with school uniform costs.
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