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York Financial Assistance Scheme

YFAS Community Assistance

Community Assistance supports vulnerable people to move into or remain in the community. It is means tested and you must have no other form of help.

Vulnerable people could include:

  • carers
  • people who are experiencing greater than the normal range of pressures experienced by most people, or there has been a significant unfortunate event that makes their situation extraordinary
  • people moving out of institutional, residential care, or supported accommodation into the community
  • people setting up home as part of a planned programme of resettlement
  • young people leaving care
  • ex-offenders leaving prison or detention centres
  • people with learning or physical disabilities
  • people with mental health problems
  • people who have a drug or alcohol dependency
  • homeless people, rough sleepers or those at risk of homelessness
  • people facing or fleeing domestic abuse

Community Assistance provides help with basic necessities. Applications can be considered for:

  • beds
  • cookers, fridges and washing machines (property must have existing connection)
  • basic furniture - for example, a wardrobe or sofa
  • essential repairs
  • other items on the basis of need, for example, a vacuum cleaner because the applicant is asthmatic

We will provide goods, vouchers or services. Goods will be delivered to your home; in the room they have been purchased for. Cookers and washing machines will be installed. Cash awards are not payable other than in exceptional circumstances.


West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 551556