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York Financial Assistance Scheme

Decision reviews

You have the right to a review if you are unhappy with our decision. The decision will be looked at again by someone who did not make the original decision. Where the council cannot help it will provide you with information about other agencies that may be able to help and where appropriate, make a referral on your behalf.

Review requests can be made by email: or by post to:

City of York Council
West Offices
Station Rise

If you remain unhappy you can use the council’s complaints process. See details of how to raise a comment, compliment, complaint or concern.

Separate help with paying rent is available through Discretionary Housing Payments (DHPs) and support for customers having difficulties in paying their Council Tax is available through Council Tax Support and Discretionary Council Tax Reduction.

YFAS was introduced in 2013 - see the full York Financial Assistance Scheme Criteria.


West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 551556