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Health and social care

Flaxman Avenue short breaks

Tell us what you think about Flaxman Avenue

Your views and ideas are very important to us. At Flaxman Avenue we'll ask you to tell us about the service you have received during your stay. This will help us to continue to improve.

We'll ask you to answer some questions about your experience with us. We’ll send you some questions at least once a year. We'll ask you about what things we are doing well and what we could do to improve.

Your support team, care manager, social worker, family or carer can help you fill this in. You can also tell us about your thoughts in a number of different ways. You can talk to your support team at Flaxman Avenue at any time. Or if you prefer, you, your family, carer or care manager, social worker or other professional can ask to meet with us at any time.

If you want to tell us about a complaint, compliment, or a concern, let us know and we'll work with you on it. If you're still unhappy and want to raise it, you can share a comment, complaint, concern or compliment or email:

Care Quality Commission

The Care Quality Commission, known as the CQC, checks whether the support we provide at Flaxman Avenue is good quality. They might ask you to tell them about your experience or support you have received from us.

You can contact the CQC about the service you receive or if you feel we have not responded to a complaint properly. You can email: or telephone: 030 006 16161.

Safeguarding with the City of York Safeguarding Adults Board

You can contact the City of York Safeguarding Adults Board by email: or telephone: 01904 551900.

Flaxman Avenue

You can write to:

77 Flaxman Avenue,
YO10 3TW

Alternatively, you can email: or telephone: 07922 517095.

Also see

Adult Social Care Community Team

Telephone: 01904 555111, Textphone: 07534 437804

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Adult Social Care Emergency Duty Team

Contact the Emergency Duty Team for assistance.

We're available between 5.00pm and 8.30am, Monday to Friday, 24 hours a day over weekends (between 5.00pm Friday until 8.30am Monday), and 24 hours on bank holidays.

Telephone: 0300 1312131