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Health and social care

York Carers Strategy

Our Carers

Carers come from all ages and backgrounds.

There are different kinds of carers and different kinds of care. Read more about:

Different kinds of carers

These are some of the terms used to describe different kinds of carers and what is meant by them:

  • Carer: Someone who gives support to another adult, child or young person with an illness, substance misuse issue or disability who could not manage without that help
  • Parent Carer: A parent (or guardian) of a disabled child or children up to 18 years of age
  • Young Adult Carer: Someone aged between 18 and 25 who is caring for another child, young person or adult
  • Young Carer: A child or young person under the age of 18 who is caring for another family member, friend or neighbour who has an illness or disability

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Different kinds of care

These are some of the terms used to describe different kinds of care and what is meant by them:

  • Personal Care: Support with dressing, washing, and toileting
  • Domestic Care: Support with cooking, housework, and shopping
  • Physical Care: Support with moving, lifting and handling
  • Financial Care: Support with financial affairs
  • Health Care: Support with managing an illness or a condition, or helping someone to take their medicine
  • Offering Moral Support: Being a listening ear or simply providing company for someone who is feeling lonely

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Facts about carers in York

There are around 19,000 adult carers in York, 11,000 of whom are female and about 8,000 are male.

These figures do not include young carers so could be much higher.

The council recently carried out a survey of adult carers in the city. These are some of the things they told us:

  • 46% of adult carers in York say that caring had caused financial difficulties for them
  • 94% say that their health had been affected by their caring role
  • 46% do not think they are able to look after themselves properly in terms of eating and sleeping well
  • 65% do not have as much social contact with people as they would like
  • 40% are providing more than 100 hours unpaid care per week
  • most adult carers in York are looking after more than one person

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Also see

Adult Social Care Community Team

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