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Health and social care

York Carers Strategy 2019 to 2024

Our Voices

We recently asked our carers about their experiences. These are some of the things they said.

"We don’t always want benefits. We just want a roof over our heads and to be able to look after the people we care about."

"Finances and wellbeing are totally linked. You can’t do things to help your wellbeing because you don’t have the money, so your wellbeing goes down even more and it’s harder to motivate yourself to do anything."

"Caring for somebody can be very rewarding, but at times it’s physically and emotionally exhausting. People struggle on alone."

"One of the most important things is to see yourself as a carer in the first place and to ask for help. It’s ok to come forward. It’s normal to be a carer."

"My GP never said ‘You are a carer, here is some support you can apply for.’ It doesn’t take a minute to hand out a leaflet with details about who to talk to."

"The voluntary sector have been fantastic. It is only the efforts of York Mind and York Carers Centre that have kept us from utter despair."

"I have to shout be heard. People think you’re exaggerating. Sometimes it feels like there’s no understanding. Services need to listen and not think that they know best."

"Caring is hard and extremely challenging but can take you on some of the most amazing journeys and experiences if you allow it to. It does not always have to be a negative."

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Adult Social Care Community Team

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