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Age Friendly York Evolving Action Plan

Evolving Action Plan - Your Information

Age Friendly York logo.

As part of the Age Friendly York project we're looking at how older people in York can stay up to date with what's happening in their communities and the wider world.

This Evolving Action Plan shows our progress in addressing this.

Status key
A Signed off/allocated: Age Friendly Citizen Group and Ageing Well Partnership have agreed no current outstanding Age Friendly York action
B Submitted for sign off: Proposed completed actions to be approved by the Age Friendly Citizen Group and signed off by the Ageing Well Partnership
C In progress: Progress report submitted but further action required by Age Friendly York
D Progressing: Action is progressing but no progress report submitted
E Pending: Action not yet started
F Interim: Interim actions pending final Your Home Report
Action number Action details Status
1 Increase awareness of community activities D
2 Explore potential for digital noticeboards in community venues D
3 Find approaches to change the message to: Frailty is not inevitable, frailty may be reversible E
4 Ensure there is good quality information about green spaces that has age friendly considerations D
5 Raise awareness of scams A
6 Provide a list of public locations that provide access to devices and where possible influence an increase in options. Work alongside Community Furniture Store and the Online Centre Network E
7 Explore how to ensure “digital only” is minimalised and that there should be clear information regarding the alternative approach that can be completed by the applicant. Considering options like Mystery Shopping E
8 Ensure all videos on lead community websites provide sub-titles or a text script E
9 Explore options to increase citizenship in keeping people safe by enabling people to report faulty paving and broken street lighting. Ensure this considers digital inclusion D
10 Provide a list of notice boards and contact details on the Live Well York community section on the Professional zone D
11 Approach bus companies to see if there can be an offer under corporate responsibility to provide community awareness information E

Also see

Age Friendly York

Adult Commissioning Team, West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA