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Health and social care

Age Friendly York Evolving Action Plan

Evolving Action Plan - Your Services

Age Friendly York logo.

As part of the Age Friendly York project we're looking at health and community support services for older people.

This Evolving Action Plan shows our progress in addressing this.

Status key
A Signed off/allocated: Age Friendly Citizen Group and Ageing Well Partnership have agreed no current outstanding Age Friendly York action
B Submitted for sign off: Proposed completed actions to be approved by the Age Friendly Citizen Group and signed off by the Ageing Well Partnership
C In progress: Progress report submitted, but further action required by Age Friendly York
D Progressing: Action is progressing but no progress report submitted
E Pending: Action not yet started
F Interim: Interim actions pending final Your Home Report
Action number Action details Status
1 Ensure there is a range of approaches to enable people to know what services are available D
2 Explore how relocation of health and adult social care services can consider the options available to get to the new location where they do not have a car D
3 Look at whether community-based organisation focusing on fall prevention, like Be Independent, could talk to patients that have had a fall and where this is due to faulty paving, ensure this is reported D
4 Look to see how we can raise awareness of who older people can contact to influence change with health and adult social care provision D
5 Self-monitoring - To support the opportunity for residents to access a wider range of self-monitoring to maintain good health (such as home blood pressure monitoring). To enquire regarding progress and ensure this is reported to the Ageing Well Partnership. To increase awareness of self-monitoring opportunities to older residents in York. D

Also see

Age Friendly York

Adult Commissioning Team

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA