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People and communities

Community emergency plans

Emergencies can take many forms, such as power cuts or flooding.

All types of emergency can significantly disrupt our lives, and whilst we can't always prevent them from happening, we can plan ahead to minimise their impact.

Download our useful resources to help you effectively prepare and respond to emergencies:

Planning in your community

Experience shows that communities which prepare for emergencies cope better in emergency situations. Community emergency plans help clarify how communities can work together during an emergency - discussing emergency plans now can help prepare your community for emergencies in the future.

Since emergency services prioritise those in greatest need during an emergency (especially if life is in danger), communities can minimise the impact of an emergency before the emergency services arrive by organising their resources more efficiently.

Community emergency plans are designed to help you identify:

  • a coordination/meeting point (for example, village hall)
  • short-term safe refuge places for people displaced from their homes
  • emergency volunteers (for example, flood wardens)
  • useful emergency equipment (for example, defibrillators, 4x4s)
  • vulnerable people in the community
  • useful emergency contacts

Download a community emergency plan templateDownload to help you prepare your community emergency plan.

North Yorkshire Local Resilience Forum (NYLRF)

Visit the North Yorkshire Local Resilience Forum (NYLRF) for more information and assistance on creating community emergency plans, or contact our Emergency Planning Team.

Also see

Emergency Planning

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