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New Local Plan Examination

2019 Examination news and updates

Correspondence and updates relating to the Local Plan Examination process from 2019.

See examination correspondence and updates from:

10 December 2019

Phase 1 of the hearings into the examination of the City of York Local Plan commenced at York Racecourse. As documents are submitted to the examination, they will be added to the examination library, which may be accessed via the hyperlink further up this page. Please check the library for the most up-to-date list of documents.

5 December 2019

A number of Statements of Common Ground between the City of York Council and various parties have been added to the examination library.

2 December 2019

Statements which were received in paper copies by Friday have now been uploaded to the Local Plan Examination Library. Where a file refers to multiple questions within a matter the relevant section has been highlighted and saved to the specific session. The statement is saved in its entirety so that it may be seen in context. However, please do not rely on them being 100% accurate as human error may have unintentionally occurred. Please read the entire statement.

28 November 2019

The Inspectors have published a revised draft hearing programme (EX/INS/13) which contains participants for each session. The sessions are larger than what would be regarded as normal due to the number of people wishing to participate, therefore any changes would be very difficult to accommodate.

25 November 2019

In accordance with the Guidance Notes (EX/INS/8), the deadline for the receipt of paper copies of all statements relating to issues being discussed in weeks one and two must be received by the Programme Officer by midday on Friday 29 November 2019 at the latest (see above for postal address). Statements should be no longer than 3,000 words for each matter. Two paper copies (not bound) of each written statement should be sent to the Programme Officer. An electronic copy should also be provided by the deadline.

21 November 2019

The Inspectors have considered the comments made with regards the Matters, Issues and Questions (MIQs) and have published a response (document EX/INS/12). As a result, the Inspectors have amended the MIQs and now publish a new (and final) version (document EX/INS/11).

The Inspectors also request that parties who intend to submit Statements should make themselves aware of the changes to the referencing of some of the questions in the revised MIQs and they would appreciate use of the references as set out in the revised MIQs in their submitted Statements.

8 November 2019

The Inspectors’ Matters, Issues and Questions document (EX/INS/7) has been revised to correct a minor drafting error in Question 3.2 b) – the reference in the question to paragraph 138 of the Framework has been replaced by a reference to paragraph 84 of the Framework

8 November 2019

Following notification of the General Election to be held on 12 December 2019 the Planning Inspectorate has issued guidance stating that Local Plan examinations should proceed as planned. Therefore, the hearings into the City of York Local Plan will commence at 10.00 am on Tuesday 10 December 2019, as previously notified

28 October 2019

It is now confirmed that phase 1 of hearings of the City of York Local Plan will commence at 10.00am on Tuesday 10 December 2019 in the Gimcrack Room at York Racecourse at Knavesmire Road, York YO23 1EX

The Inspectors have also published their Matters, Issues and Questions (MIQs) (document EX/INS/7), Guidance Note (document EX/INS/8) and Draft Hearing Sessions Programme (document EX/INS/9).

For information, please note the following key dates:

  • Monday 11 November, 5.00pm: Deadline for comments on the Inspectors’ matters schedule/hearings timetable (documents EX/INS/7 and EX/INS/9).
  • Tuesday 19 November, 5.00pm : Deadline to confirm with the Programme Officer whether you wish to exercise the right to be heard.
  • Friday 29 November, midday : Deadline for submission of statements.
  • Tuesday 10 December, 10.00am: Hearing sessions open.

A note on how to get to York Racecourse is available, but this is just broad guidance. If you're attending the hearings, we advise you to check your own travel details and not rely solely on the information we've provided.

14 October 2019

The Inspectors have now considered all of the representations made during the consultation on the modifications, which ended on 22 July 2019. The Inspectors are now preparing for the first stage of hearings, which will address Duty to Co-operate, Green Belt and Housing Need. Provisional dates have been agreed for these initial hearings to be held on selected days over a two week period, commencing on Monday 9 December 2019 at York Racecourse. Those providing representations will be given the required formal notice when the dates and venue have been finalised.

19 September 2019

The additional round of consultation closed at the end of July. All the representations made have been sent to the Inspectors who are now considering them. Copies of individual representations which were received may be viewed at: or via the Examination Library references EX/CYC/21a-d. The Council is currently looking at suitable venues and availability for the first round of hearings to be held from late November/early December 2019 onwards. No firm dates have been agreed, but those providing representations will be notified a soon as possible when they have been; all timescales are 'anticipated'.

12 June 2019

In accordance with the inspectors' letter dated 7 May 2019 [EX/INS/6], on 10 June 2019, the Council published a number of documents for public consultation. The consultation period will run until midnight of 22 July 2019 and provides the opportunity for anyone to make representations on the specified documents but does not permit representation to be made on any other parts of the Local Plan. The Inspectors' letter stated that the consultation should include the following documents:

  • The Council's proposed revised OAHN figure (And supporting evidence), but specifically including the Housing Needs Update by GL Hearn, dated January 2019 [EX/CYC/9] , the proposed modifications schedule relating to the revised OAHN figure [EX/CYC/15] , the SHLAA Figure 6 Update based on the revised OAHN figure [EX/CYC/16] and the updated Figure 5.1 and Table 5.2 Housing Trajectories based on the revised OAHN figure to 2033 [EX/CYC/17A] AND TO 2038 [EX/CYC/17b] .
  • The updated HRA (and supporting evidence), but specifically including the updated Annex C - 'Lower Derwent and Skipworth Common Visitor Survey' of the HRA, dated 19 February 2019 [EX/CYC/14c] .
  • The proposed changes to the Green Belt boundary (and supporting evidence), but specifically including the 'Addendum to Topic Paper 1 - The approach to defining York's Green Belt', dated March 2019 [EX/CYC/18] and the 'Addendum to TP1 Annex 6 - Proposed Modifications Schedule', dated March 2019 [EX/CYC/18a].
  • The Council's proposed modifications to the submitted Local Plan arising from the above [EX/CYC/20].
  • Information about the 2019 public consultation including the above, relevant supporting document and how to make a representation is available on the Council's webpage at:

30 May 2019

The Council submitted a letter to the Inspector [EX CYC 19] on 21 May 2019 setting out the proposed arrangements for the Local Plan Proposed Modifications Consultation.

9 May 2019

The Council received a letter from the Inspectors [EX/INS/6]. The letter acknowledges that there has been a substantial amount of further work undertaken by the Council since the City of York Local Plan was submitted for Examination last year. As much of this new evidence is fundamental to the soundness of the Local Plan, particularly the Council's overall approach to the Green Belt and the assessed OAHN figure the Inspectors have decided that it will be necessary for further public consultation to be undertaken to allow people to comment on all of the new evidence and the proposed modifications to the Plan put forward by the Council. The consultation should be open to the general public for a period of six weeks and should be undertaken as soon as possible. Further updates will be provided on this page as information becomes available.

11 March 2019

A report was considered by City of York Council's Executive on 7 March 2019 [EX CYC 12] and the recommendations of the report were approved. This includes the proposed modifications to the submitted Plan as a result of the updated Habitats Regulation Assessment following completion of the visitor survey requested by Natural England. The Council are to submit a modifications schedule along with the additional evidence comprising the updated HRA and the Topic Paper 1 (Approach to York’s Greenbelt) Addendum.

6 March 2019

The Inspectors sent a letter to the council [EX INS 4] on 12 February 2019. The Council sent an email to the Inspectors [EX CYC 10] seeking to clarify matters in the letter. Through the Programme Officer, the Inspectors issued further clarification questions [EX INS 5]. The Council sent a note of clarification to the Inspectors [EX CYC 11] on 18 February 2019 along with four attachments: Legal Advice from John Hobson QC From LPWG [EX CYC 11a], SHLAA Figure 6 Detailed Housing Trajectory [EX CYC 11b], LP Figure 5 1 and Table 5 2 Version 1 Housing Trajectory Extended to 2037-38 [EX CYC 11c] and LP Figure 5 1 and Table 5 2 Version 2 Detailed Housing Trajectory Extended to 37-38 [EX CYC 11d].

31 January 2019

The Council submitted a letter to the Inspectors [EX/CYC/8] outlining progress on the submission of additional evidence, which has been requested by the Inspectors. The council has also submitted a Housing Need Update (January 2019)[EX/CYC/9] which has been prepared by G L Hearn. The council are currently exploring the availability of suitable venues for the initial hearings and representors will be written to when the details are confirmed. Details of the hearings will also be provided on this webpage.

14 January 2019

An initial letter [EX/INS/3] has been sent out to everyone who made a representation at the Pre-Publication stage. The Inspectors have decided that a phased approach will be taken to the hearings and that the first phase of hearings will deal with the Duty to Cooperate, the OAN and matters relating to Green Belt principle. It is anticipated that the initial hearings will be held in March 2019. However, it is stressed that this is merely anticipated and not yet finalised. In order to assist in preparing the draft hearings programme, representors must confirm no later than Friday 25 January 2019 whether or not they wish to take part in any of the hearings (not just the first phase)

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