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New Local Plan Examination

2021 Examination news and updates

Correspondence and updates relating to the Local Plan Examination process from 2021.

See examination correspondence and updates from:

22 November 2021

The Council has submitted a letter (EX/CYC/67) to the Inspectors in response to their letter to the Council on 25 October 2021.

26 October 2021

The Inspectors have written to the Council (EX/INS/25) setting out the timetable for the progression of the examination of the City of York Local Plan. It is proposed that there will be three further phases of hearings (as set out in the letter) to be held between February and June 2022

11 October 2021

The Council submitted the representations made during the consultation period to the Inspectors in early September. The Inspectors are currently considering all those representations alongside their other work commitments. The Inspectors will respond to the Council when they are in a position of being able to do so.

25 May 2021

The City of York Council has published additional evidence for public consultation. Further information, copies of the documents being consulted on and details of how to make a representation is available on the Local Plan Modifications and Evidence Base Consultation webpage.

11 May 2021

The Council has written to the Inspectors (EX/CYC/60) setting out initial details about when the second Regulation 19 consultation will commence and which documents will be open for comment. The consultation is due to commence on 25 May 2021 for a period of six weeks.

Please note – the Inspectors reiterate that they will NOT accept any comments/representations before the start of the Regulation 19 consultation. Anything submitted before the start of the consultation will be returned to the sender.

7 May 2021

The Inspectors have written to the Council (EX/INS/24) acknowledging receipt of the additional evidence from the Council. It also states that they share the Council’s desire to commence the public consultation exercise as soon as possible and requests that the Council notify the Inspectors by the 10 May 2021 of the proposed start date.

6 May 2021

As agreed the Council submitted the outstanding evidence to the Inspectors by the deadline of 30 April 2021. The Council submitted a covering letter (EX/CYC/55), SHLAA update (EX/CYC/56), SuDs Guidance (EX/CYC/57), Composite Modifications Schedule (EX/CYC/58) and the remaining annexes for TP1 Green Belt. To avoid confusion, the previously submitted annexes have been renumbered so that the main document and annexes are all together as a suite of documents: TP1 Addendum (EX/CYC/59), Annex 1: Evidence Base (EX/CYC/59a), Annex 2:Outer Boundary (EX/CYC/59b), Annex 3 Part 1: Inner Boundary (EX/CYC/59c), Annex 3 Part 2: Inner Boundary (EX/CYC/59d), Annex 3 Part 3: Inner Boundary (EX/CYC/59e), Annex 4: Other Developed Areas (EX/CYC/59f), Annex 5: Freestanding Sites (EX/CYC/59g), Annex 6: Proposed Modifications (EX/CYC/59h), Annex 7: Housing Supply Update (EX/CYC/59i) and Annex 7: Housing Supply Update – Trajectory (EX/CYC/59j)

1 April 2021

As agreed, the Council submitted further evidence in relation to the Gren Belt by the deadline of 31 March 2021. The documents include a covering letter to the Inspectors (EX/CYC/54), Topic Paper 1: Approach to defining Green Belt (Addendum) January 2021 – Annex 3 Part 1 Sections 1-4 (EX/CYC/54a) and Topic Paper 1: Approach to defining Green Belt (Addendum) January 2021 – Annex 5 Freestanding Sites (EX/CYC/54b). The outstanding evidence is due 30 April 2021.

3 March 2021

The Inspectors have responded to the Council’s letters of the 25 and 26 February 2021 with a letter dated 3 March 2021 (EX/INS/23), which refers to PINS’ guidance note on virtual hearings v4 (EX/INS/23a)

1 March 2021

The Council responded to the Inspectors’ letter of 25 February, later the same day (EX/CYC/51) and also submitted ‘Topic Paper 1: Approach to defining Green Belt (Addendum) January 2021 – Annex 2’ (EX/CYC/52). The Council then submitted a further letter to the Inspectors dated 26 February 2021 (EX/CYC/53).

25 February 2021

The Inspectors have written to the Council regarding receipt of the green belt annexes (EX/INS/22).

29 January 2021

The Inspectors sent a letter to the Council (document EX/INS/21) in response to the further evidence submitted by the Council. The letter seeks to establish a timetabled way forward for the Plan.

15 January 2021

In accordance with the Inspectors’ letter of the 18 December 2020, the Council provided its response (EX/CYC/48). The response included further information/evidence: Statement of Community Involvement Update November 2020 (EX/CYC/49), Topic Paper 1: Approach to defining Green Belt (Addendum) January 2021 (EX/CYC/50) and Annex 1 (EX/CYC/50a), Annex 2 (EX/CYC/50b), Annex 3 (EX/CYC/50c) and Annex 4 (EX/CYC/50d). Representors are reminded that at the current time the Inspectors will not be accepting any further comments in relation to these (or any other) documents.

11 January 2021

The Inspectors have written to the Council (EX/INS/20) stating that their letter of the 18 December 2020 must be added to the examination library immediately.

11 January 2021

The Council submitted further documents to the Inspectors on 22 December 2020: a covering letter from the Council to the Inspectors (EX/CYC/44), the Habitat Regulations Assessment December 2020 (EX/CYC/45) and Appendices (EX/CYC/45a), Key Diagram update (EX/CYC/46) and the Proposed Post-Hearings (Stage One) Modifications December 2020 (EX/CYC/47).

Also see

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