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Planning and building

New Local Plan Examination

2018 Examination news and updates

Correspondence and updates relating to the Local Plan Examination process from 2018.

See examination correspondence and updates from:

17 December 2018

The Inspectors have sent a letter of response (EX/INS/2) to our letter on 14 November 2018 [EX/CYC/7]. (Please note that neither of these letters are open for public comment).

14 November 2018

The Council submitted a response to the Inspectors letter of 25 July 2018 [EX/CYC/7]. You can view the letter of response and its attachments - Duty to Co-operate Annexes [EX/CYC/7a] , Addendum to Annex 4 of IDP [EX/CYC/7b] , Errata addendum to IDP [EX/CYC/7c] and Figures 5.1 and 5.2 [EX/CYC/7d] - via links in the Examination Library.

14 November 2018

The Council responded by letter [EX/CYC/6] with an attachment [EX/CYC/6a] to Highway England’s Letter and technical note in relation to transport modelling.

17 September 2018

A letter [EX/CYCC/5] and technical note[EX/CYC5a] was sent from Highways England to the council in relation the transport modelling.

9 August 2018

The Council submitted an initial letter in response to the Inspectors’ letter of 25 July [EX/CYC/4].

25 July 2018

The Inspectors have written to the council setting out their initial observations on the soundness of the City of York Local Plan [document EX/INS/1 in the Examination Library] - please note that the Inspectors’ letter is not open for comment.

22 June 2018

The latest monitoring for York's housing consents and completions during year 2017-2018 [EX/CYC/3] released.

19 June 2018

The Council sent a letter in response to Natural England [EX/CYC/2] outlining further work being undertaken.

4 June 2018

The Council received a letter from Natural England [EX/CYC/1] detailing outstanding comments in relation to the Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA).

25 May 2018

The Council received a letter from the Planning Inspectorate advising that in accordance with Section 20 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended) Inspector Simon Berkeley (BA MA MRTPI) and Inspector Andrew McCormack (BSc(Hons) MRTPI) have been appointed to conduct the examination to determine whether the City of York Local Plan is sound.

Also see

Strategic Planning Policy Team

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