We're developing a new Local Plan in line with the publication of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).
We have received the Inspectors’ Report on the Examination of City of York’s Local Plan on 14 February 2025. This marks the end of the Local Plan Examination.
The Inspectors conclude that, subject to the main modifications set out in their report, the Plan satisfies the requirements of Section 20(5) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and meets the tests of soundness set out in the National Planning Policy Framework
Following instruction from our Inspectors, we held the following consultations:
- New Local Plan proposed modifications consultation from 10 June to 22 July 2019
- New Local Plan Proposed Modifications and Evidence Base Consultation from 25 May to 7 July 2021
- Local Plan Proposed Main Modifications Consultation from 13 February to 27 March 2023
- Local Plan Proposed Main Modifications Consultation for Policy H5 from 18 July to 3 September 2024
Updates on progress of the Local Plan Examination were given to the Local Plan Working Group and Executive:
- Local Plan Working Group agenda and minutes - 20 October 2020 (item 10)
- Local Plan Working Group agenda and minutes - 16 March 2021 (item 4)
- Executive - 21 April 2022 (item 115)
- Local Plan Working Group agenda and minutes - 1 December 2022 (item 9) and Executive - 15 December 2022 (item 67)
- Local Plan Working Group agenda and minutes - 16 January 2023 (item 13) and Executive - 26 January 2023 (item 75)
- Executive - 14 March 2024 (items 108 and 109)
Keep up-to-date with overall progress of the New Local Plan Examination.
The new Local Plan will eventually replace the current Local Plan approved for development management purposes in 2005.
The need for a new Local Plan
The council has a statutory duty to produce a Local Plan. The City of York Draft Local Plan Incorporating the 4th Set of Changes (April 2005), and the associated appendices and proposals maps, were approved by the council for development management purposes, but not formally adopted. The 2005 Draft Local Plan now carries very little relative weight in decision-making.
We're currently working towards the new Local Plan being fully compliant with the NPPF and other relevant regulations.
If we don't adopt an up-to-date Local Plan, development will still happen, but decisions will be taken in regard to the NPPF, without local people having a say on setting local policies.
Once adopted, the new Local Plan will determine how the city develops over the next 15 years and beyond.
Find out about:
- the Local Plan Inspectors' Report
- developing the New Local Plan to submission - including stages of document preparation, correspondence with government and links to relevant meetings
- previous consultations on the new Local Plan - including responses made to date:
- Core documents and evidence base library, which was submitted alongside the Local Plan for examination. This includes evidence relating to housing, economy and retail, transport and communications, green Infrastructure, heritage, culture and place-making, climate change, environmental quality and flood risk and viability/deliverability
- Development Plan Monitoring - including our latest housing monitoring updates
- Local Development Scheme - setting out our projected timetable for planning policy documents. This was agreed at Executive in December 2022 (see item 67)
Statement of Community Involvement
The Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) was adopted in December 2007. It sets out how we'll involve you in the preparation of all Development Plan documents, including the Local Plan and in making decisions on planning applications. A draft SCL update was taken to Executive in March 2024, which will be subject to citywide consultation shortly.
The consultation arrangements in place at the time of any future consultation will be made clear on our website. Should this be subject to change during the consultation period, the details will be updated, as applicable, in line with the current health guidelines.
If you would like to kept informed of future consultations and Strategic Planning Policy matters, please contact us by email at localplan@york.gov.uk. We will retain your contact details in line with our privacy notices.
Community Infrastructure Levy
The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a tool for local authorities in England and Wales to help deliver infrastructure to support the development of the area.
As the CIL charging authority we are required to consult with residents, local communities, business and stakeholders on the proposed levy rates. At Executive Committee on 26 January 2023, a decision was made to consult on a CIL draft Charging Schedule.
For further information see our dedicated CIL webpage.