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Housing Engagement Strategy 2024 to 2027

Housing Engagement Strategy: we think together

Housing engagement strategy icon together

We ensure staff and our residents work together to help shape and improve future services.

We'll identify and break barriers that might stop you becoming involved and will be flexible in our approach.

We'll achieve this by:

  • Meeting you at tenant scrutiny and performance panels and improve and shape services together.
  • The Tenant Scrutiny Panel meet every month. The Performance Panel meets 4 times a year.
  • Holding staff meetings to discuss new ways of working to bring efficiencies and benefits to you.
  • Staff meetings are held regularly, any feedback gathered is fed into the service.
  • Making sure front-line staff have an understanding and consistent approach to engagement so they can be more effective.
  • A video produced by TPAS explains the importance of engagement, and will be shown at team meetings and included in inductions for new members of staff.
  • Improving the information about the opportunities to be involved and the support available.
  • We work with the Tenant Scrutiny Panel to review and identify opportunities to promote involvement.
  • Taking opportunities to meet tenants through events and activities for example, exhibitions and open days.
  • Building Services events are held annually.

We'll measure progress by:

  • Measuring attendance at and contributions to residents meeting and sessions.
  • We will monitor the numbers of residents attending meetings and sessions.
  • Improvements to services through the ‘You Said, We Did’ programme.
  • This is not very well used by tenants, so will be included in Open Door and Facebook articles to improve engagement.

Also see

Housing Equalities and Engagement Facilitator

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 552097